Federated Program Developer Guide

This documentation is for anyone who is interested in authoring federated program logic or a federated program. It assumes knowledge of TensorFlow Federated, especially its type system, and federated programs.

Program Logic

This section defines guidelines for how program logic should be authored.

See the example program_logic.py for more information.

Document Type Signatures

Do document the TFF type signature for each parameter supplied to the program logic that has a type signature.

async def program_logic(
    train: tff.Computation,
    data_source: tff.program.FederatedDataSource,
) -> None:
  """Trains a federated model for some number of rounds.

  The following types signatures are required:

  1.  `train`:       `(<S@SERVER, D@CLIENTS> -> <S@SERVER, M@SERVER>)`
  2.  `data_source`: `D@CLIENTS`


  *   `S`: The server state.
  *   `M`: The train metrics.
  *   `D`: The train client data.

Check Type Signatures

Do check the TFF type signature (at runtime) for each parameter supplied to the program logic that has a type signature.

def _check_program_logic_type_signatures(
    train: tff.Computation,
    data_source: tff.program.FederatedDataSource,
) -> None:

async def program_logic(
    train: tff.Computation,
    data_source: tff.program.FederatedDataSource,
) -> None:

Type Annotations

Do provide a well defined Python type for each tff.program.ReleaseManager parameter supplied to the program logic.

async def program_logic(
    metrics_manager: Optional[
        tff.program.ReleaseManager[tff.program.ReleasableStructure, int]
    ] = None,
) -> None:


async def program_logic(
) -> None:
async def program_logic(
    metrics_manager: Optional[tff.program.ReleaseManager] = None,
) -> None:

Program State

Do provide a well defined structure describing the program state of the program logic.

class _ProgramState(NamedTuple):
  state: object
  round_num: int

async def program_loic(...) -> None:
  initial_state = ...

  # Load the program state
  if program_state_manager is not None:
    structure = _ProgramState(initial_state, round_num=0)
    program_state, version = await program_state_manager.load_latest(structure)
    program_state = None
    version = 0

  # Assign state and round_num
  if program_state is not None:
    state = program_state.state
    start_round = program_state.round_num + 1
    state = initial_state
    start_round = 1

  for round_num in range(start_round, ...):
    state, _ = train(state, ...)

    # Save the program state
    program_state = _ProgramState(state, round_num)
    version = version + 1
    program_state_manager.save(program_state, version)

Document Released Values

Do document the values released from the program logic.

async def program_logic(
    metrics_manager: Optional[tff.program.ReleaseManager] = None,
) -> None:
  """Trains a federated model for some number of rounds.

  Each round, `loss` is released to the `metrics_manager`.

Release Specific Values

Do not release more values from the program logic than is required.

async def program_logic(...) -> None:

  for round_number in range(...):
    state, metrics = train(state, ...)

    _, metrics_type = train.type_signature.result
    loss = metrics['loss']
    loss_type = metrics_type['loss']
    metrics_manager.release(loss, loss_type, round_number)


async def program_loic(...) -> None:

  for round_number in range(...):
    state, metrics = train(state, ...)

    _, metrics_type = train.type_signature.result
    metrics_manager.release(metrics, metrics_type, round_number)

Asynchronous Functions

Do define the program logic as an asynchronous function. The components of TFF's federated program library use asyncio to execute Python concurrently and defining the program logic as an asynchronous function makes it easier to interact with those components.

async def program_logic(...) -> None:


def program_logic(...) -> None:


Do provide unit tests for the program logic (e.g. program_logic_test.py).


This section defines guidelines for how a program should be authored.

See the example program.py for more information.

Document the Program

Do document the details of the program to the customer in the docstring of the module (e.g. program.py):

  • How to manually run the program.
  • What platform, computations, and data sources are used in the program.
  • How a customer should access information released from the program to customer storage.

Too Many Parameters

Don't parameterize the program such that there are mutually exclusive collections of parameters. For example, if foo is set to X then you are also required to set parameters bar, baz, otherwise these parameters must be None. This indicates that you could have made two different programs for different values of foo.

Group Parameters

Do use proto to define related but complex or verbose parameters instead of defining many FLAGS (go/absl.flags).

with tf.io.gfile.GFile(config_path) as f:
  proto = text_format.Parse(f.read(), vizier_pb2.StudyConfig())
return pyvizier.StudyConfig.from_proto(proto)

Python Logic

Don't write logic (e.g. control flow, invoking computations, anything that needs to be tested) in the program. Instead, move the logic into a private library that can be tested or into the program logic the program invokes.

Asynchronous Functions

Don't write asynchronous functions in the program. Instead, move the function into a private library that can be tested or into the program logic the program invokes.


Don't write unit tests for the program, if testing the program is useful write those tests in terms of integration tests.