
public class BertQuestionAnswerer

Returns the most possible answers on a given question for QA models (BERT, Albert, etc.).

The API expects a Bert based TFLite model with metadata containing the following information:

  • input_process_units for Wordpiece/Sentencepiece Tokenizer - Wordpiece Tokenizer can be used for a MobileBert model, Sentencepiece Tokenizer Tokenizer can be used for an Albert model.
  • 3 input tensors with names "ids", "mask" and "segment_ids".
  • 2 output tensors with names "end_logits" and "start_logits".

Nested Classes

class BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions Options for setting up a BertQuestionAnswerer

Public Methods

answer(String context, String question)
Answers question based on context, and returns a list of possible QaAnswers.
static BertQuestionAnswerer
createAlbertQuestionAnswererFromFile(Context context, String modelPath, String sentencePieceModelPath)
Creates a BertQuestionAnswerer instance with an Albert model and a sentence piece model file.
static BertQuestionAnswerer
createBertQuestionAnswererFromFile(Context context, String modelPath, String vocabPath)
Creates a BertQuestionAnswerer instance with a Bert model and a vocabulary file.
static BertQuestionAnswerer
createFromFile(Context context, String modelPath)
static BertQuestionAnswerer
static BertQuestionAnswerer
static BertQuestionAnswerer

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public List<QaAnswer> answer (String context, String question)

Answers question based on context, and returns a list of possible QaAnswers. Could be empty if no answer was found from the given context.

context context the question bases on
question question to ask

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createAlbertQuestionAnswererFromFile (Context context, String modelPath, String sentencePieceModelPath)

Creates a BertQuestionAnswerer instance with an Albert model and a sentence piece model file.

One suitable model is:

context android context
modelPath file path to the Albert model. Note: The model should not be compressed
sentencePieceModelPath file path to the sentence piece model file. Note: The model should not be compressed
IOException If model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createBertQuestionAnswererFromFile (Context context, String modelPath, String vocabPath)

Creates a BertQuestionAnswerer instance with a Bert model and a vocabulary file.

One suitable model is:

context android context
modelPath file path to the Bert model. Note: The model should not be compressed
vocabPath file path to the vocabulary file. Note: The file should not be compressed
IOException If model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createFromFile (Context context, String modelPath)

context android context
modelPath file path to the model with metadata. Note: The model should not be compressed
IOException if model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createFromFile (File modelFile)

modelFile a File object of the model
IOException if model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createFromFileAndOptions (File modelFile, BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions options)

modelFile a File object of the model
IOException if model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error

public static BertQuestionAnswerer createFromFileAndOptions (Context context, String modelPath, BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions options)

context android context
modelPath file path to the model with metadata. Note: The model should not be compressed
IOException if model file fails to load
IllegalArgumentException if an argument is invalid
IllegalStateException if there is an internal error
RuntimeException if there is an otherwise unspecified error