סיווג תנוחת האדם עם MoveNet ו- TensorFlow Lite

מחברת זו מלמדת אותך כיצד לאמן מודל סיווג תנוחות באמצעות MoveNet ו- TensorFlow Lite. התוצאה היא דגם חדש של TensorFlow Lite שמקבל את הפלט ממודל MoveNet כקלט שלו, ומוציא סיווג תנוחות, כמו שם של תנוחת יוגה.

ההליך במחברת זו מורכבת משלושה חלקים:

  • חלק 1: עבד מראש את נתוני האימון של סיווג התנוחה לקובץ CSV המפרט את ציוני הדרך (נקודות המפתח של הגוף) שזוהו על ידי מודל MoveNet, יחד עם תוויות תנוחות הקרקע.
  • חלק 2: בנה ואימון מודל סיווג תנוחות שלוקח את קואורדינטות ציון הדרך מקובץ ה-CSV כקלט, ומוציא את התוויות החזויות.
  • חלק 3: המר את מודל סיווג התנוחות ל- TFLite.

כברירת מחדל, מחברת זו משתמשת במערך נתונים עם תנוחות יוגה מסומנות, אך כללנו גם קטע בחלק 1 שבו אתה יכול להעלות מערך תמונות משלך של תנוחות.

הצג באתר TensorFlow.org הפעל בגוגל קולאב צפה במקור ב-GitHub הורד מחברת ראה דגם TF Hub


בסעיף זה, תייבא את הספריות הדרושות ותגדיר מספר פונקציות לעיבוד מקדים של תמונות האימון לקובץ CSV המכיל את קואורדינטות ציון הדרך ותוויות האמת הבסיסית.

שום דבר שניתן לצפייה לא קורה כאן, אבל אתה יכול להרחיב את תאי הקוד המוסתרים כדי לראות את היישום של חלק מהפונקציות שאליו נתקשר בהמשך.

אם אתה רק רוצה ליצור את קובץ ה-CSV מבלי לדעת את כל הפרטים, פשוט הפעל את הקטע הזה והמשיך לחלק 1.

pip install -q opencv-python
import csv
import cv2
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import tqdm

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from tensorflow import keras

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix

קוד להפעלת הערכת תנוחה באמצעות MoveNet

פונקציות להפעלת הערכת פוזות עם MoveNet

Cloning into 'examples'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 20141, done.[K
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1961/1961), done.[K
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1055/1055), done.[K
remote: Total 20141 (delta 909), reused 1584 (delta 595), pack-reused 18180[K
Receiving objects: 100% (20141/20141), 33.15 MiB | 25.83 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11003/11003), done.

פונקציות להמחשת תוצאות הערכת התנוחה.

קוד לטעינת התמונות, זיהוי נקודות ציון של פוזות ושמירתן בקובץ CSV

(אופציונלי) קטע קוד כדי לנסות את ההיגיון של הערכת התנוחה של Movenet

--2021-12-21 12:07:36--  https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/03/03/17/30/yoga-2114512_960_720.jpg
Resolving cdn.pixabay.com (cdn.pixabay.com)...,, 2606:4700::6812:14b7, ...
Connecting to cdn.pixabay.com (cdn.pixabay.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 28665 (28K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/image.jpeg’

/tmp/image.jpeg     100%[===================>]  27.99K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2021-12-21 12:07:36 (111 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/image.jpeg’ saved [28665/28665]


חלק 1: עיבוד מקדים של תמונות הקלט

מכיוון קלט עבור מסווג התנוחה שלנו הוא ציוני דרך פלט מהמודל MoveNet, אנחנו צריכים ליצור במערך ההדרכה שלנו על ידי הפעלת תמונות המתויגות דרך MoveNet ואז לוכד את כל הנתונים ציון דרך ותוויות האמת הקרקע לקובץ CSV.

מערך הנתונים שסיפקנו עבור הדרכה זו הוא מערך תנוחות יוגה שנוצר על ידי CG. הוא מכיל תמונות של דגמים מרובים שנוצרו ב-CG העושים 5 תנוחות יוגה שונות. הספרייה מפוצלת כבר לתוך train במערך וכן test נתון.

אז בקטע הזה, נצטרך להוריד את הנתונים יוגה ולהפעיל אותו באמצעות MoveNet כדי שנוכל ללכוד כל ציוני לקובץ CSV ... עם זאת, זה לוקח בערך 15 דקות כדי להאכיל במערך יוגה שלנו MoveNet וליצור קובץ CSV זה . אז כחלופה, אתה יכול להוריד קובץ CSV קיים מראש עבור הנתונים יוגה על ידי הגדרת is_skip_step_1 פרמטר מתחת ל- True. בדרך זו, תדלג על שלב זה ובמקום זאת תוריד את אותו קובץ CSV שייווצר בשלב זה של עיבוד מקדים.

מצד השני, אם אתה רוצה לאמן את מסווג התנוחה עם נתון תמונה משלכם, אתה צריך להעלות את התמונות שלך ולהפעיל הצעד המקדים הזה (חופשת is_skip_step_1 False) -follow ההוראות הבאות כדי להעלות במערך התנוחה שלך.

(אופציונלי) העלה את מערך הנתונים של תנוחות משלך

אם ברצונך לאמן את מסווג התנוחות עם תנוחות המסומנות שלך (הן יכולות להיות כל תנוחות, לא רק תנוחות יוגה), בצע את השלבים הבאים:

  1. גדר לעיל use_custom_dataset האפשרות אמיתית.

  2. הכן קובץ ארכיון (ZIP, TAR או אחר) הכולל תיקיה עם מערך הנתונים של התמונות שלך. התיקיה חייבת לכלול תמונות ממוינות של התנוחות שלך כדלקמן.

    אם כבר לפצל את מערך הנתונים לתוך למערכי רכבות מבחן, ולאחר מכן קבע dataset_is_split כ- True. כלומר, תיקיית התמונות שלך חייבת לכלול ספריות "רכבת" ו"בדיקה" כמו זו:

    |__ train/
        |__ downdog/
            |______ 00000128.jpg
            |______ ...
    |__ test/
        |__ downdog/
            |______ 00000181.jpg
            |______ ...

    לחלופין, אם הנתונים שלך אינו לפצל עדיין, אז להגדיר dataset_is_split כ- False ונתחלק אותו מבוסס על שבריר פיצול שצוין. כלומר, תיקיית התמונות שהעלית צריכה להיראות כך:

    |__ downdog/
        |______ 00000128.jpg
        |______ 00000181.jpg
        |______ ...
    |__ goddess/
        |______ 00000243.jpg
        |______ 00000306.jpg
        |______ ...
  3. לחץ על הכרטיסייה קבצים בצד שמאל (סמל התיקייה) ולאחר מכן לחץ על העלה כדי אחסון הפעלה (סמל הקובץ).

  4. בחר את קובץ הארכיון שלך והמתן עד שיסיים להעלות לפני שתמשיך.

  5. ערוך את גוש הקוד הבא כדי לציין את השם של קובץ הארכיון וספריית התמונות שלך. (כברירת מחדל, אנו מצפים לקובץ ZIP, אז תצטרך לשנות גם את החלק הזה אם הארכיון שלך הוא פורמט אחר.)

  6. כעת הפעל את שאר המחברת.

if use_custom_dataset:
  # You must edit these two lines to match your archive and images folder name:
  dataset_in = 'YOUR_DATASET_DIR_NAME'

  # You can leave the rest alone:
  if not os.path.isdir(dataset_in):
    raise Exception("dataset_in is not a valid directory")
  if dataset_is_split:
    IMAGES_ROOT = dataset_in
    dataset_out = 'split_' + dataset_in
    split_into_train_test(dataset_in, dataset_out, test_split=0.2)
    IMAGES_ROOT = dataset_out

הורד את מערך היוגה

if not is_skip_step_1 and not use_custom_dataset:
  !wget -O yoga_poses.zip http://download.tensorflow.org/data/pose_classification/yoga_poses.zip
  !unzip -q yoga_poses.zip -d yoga_cg
  IMAGES_ROOT = "yoga_cg"
--2021-12-21 12:07:46--  http://download.tensorflow.org/data/pose_classification/yoga_poses.zip
Resolving download.tensorflow.org (download.tensorflow.org)..., 2a00:1450:4013:c08::80
Connecting to download.tensorflow.org (download.tensorflow.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 102517581 (98M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘yoga_poses.zip’

yoga_poses.zip      100%[===================>]  97.77M  76.7MB/s    in 1.3s    

2021-12-21 12:07:48 (76.7 MB/s) - ‘yoga_poses.zip’ saved [102517581/102517581]

Preprocess TRAIN הנתונים

if not is_skip_step_1:
  images_in_train_folder = os.path.join(IMAGES_ROOT, 'train')
  images_out_train_folder = 'poses_images_out_train'
  csvs_out_train_path = 'train_data.csv'

  preprocessor = MoveNetPreprocessor(

Preprocessing chair
  0%|          | 0/200 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:128: DeprecationWarning: `np.str` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `str`. To silence this warning, use `str` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.str_` here.
Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance: https://numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.20.0-notes.html#deprecations
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:32<00:00,  6.10it/s]
Preprocessing cobra
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:31<00:00,  6.27it/s]
Preprocessing dog
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:32<00:00,  6.15it/s]
Preprocessing tree
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:33<00:00,  6.00it/s]
Preprocessing warrior
100%|██████████| 200/200 [00:30<00:00,  6.54it/s]
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair091.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair093.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair096.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair097.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair099.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair100.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair104.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair106.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair110.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair114.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair115.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair118.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair122.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair123.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair124.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair125.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair131.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair132.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair133.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair134.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair136.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair138.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair139.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/girl3_chair142.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair136.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair140.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair143.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair144.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair145.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/chair/guy2_chair146.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra026.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra029.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra030.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra038.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra040.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra041.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra048.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra050.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra055.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra059.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra061.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra068.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra070.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra090.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra091.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra093.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra096.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra099.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra102.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra110.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra112.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra115.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra119.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra122.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra128.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra129.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra136.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl1_cobra140.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra029.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra046.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra050.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra053.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra108.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra117.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra129.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra133.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra136.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl2_cobra140.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra028.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra030.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra032.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra039.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra040.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra058.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra062.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra068.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra072.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra076.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra078.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra079.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra082.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra097.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra099.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra107.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra129.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra130.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra132.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra134.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/girl3_cobra138.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra034.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra042.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra043.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra047.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra053.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra065.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra078.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra080.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra084.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra102.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra105.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra108.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/cobra/guy2_cobra139.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl1_dog027.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl1_dog028.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl1_dog030.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl1_dog032.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog080.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog083.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog085.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog090.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog091.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog093.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog095.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog099.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog100.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog101.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog103.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog104.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog105.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog107.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl2_dog111.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog025.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog026.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog027.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog028.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog031.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog033.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog035.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog037.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog040.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog041.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog047.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog062.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog072.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog074.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog082.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog086.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog090.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog095.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog096.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog100.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog102.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog103.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog104.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog106.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog107.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/girl3_dog111.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/guy1_dog070.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/guy1_dog076.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/guy2_dog070.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/guy2_dog071.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/dog/guy2_dog082.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/girl2_tree119.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/girl2_tree122.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/girl2_tree161.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/girl2_tree163.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy1_tree139.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy1_tree140.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy1_tree141.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy1_tree143.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree085.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree086.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree090.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree145.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/tree/guy2_tree147.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior049.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior053.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior064.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior066.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior067.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior072.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior080.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior083.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior084.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior093.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior095.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior098.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior099.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior100.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior103.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior108.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior109.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior111.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior112.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior113.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior114.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior116.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl1_warrior117.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior047.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior049.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior050.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior057.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior058.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior063.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior068.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior079.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior083.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior085.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior096.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior097.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior102.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior106.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl2_warrior108.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior042.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior043.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior047.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior049.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior054.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior056.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior057.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior061.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior066.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior067.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior073.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior074.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior079.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior090.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior091.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior095.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior096.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior100.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior103.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior107.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior115.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior117.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior134.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior140.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/girl3_warrior143.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior043.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior048.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior055.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior057.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior062.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior068.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior069.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior073.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior076.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior080.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior082.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior091.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior092.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior093.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior094.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior097.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior118.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior120.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior121.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior124.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior125.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior126.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior131.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior134.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior135.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior138.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior143.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior145.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy1_warrior148.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior086.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior111.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior118.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior122.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior129.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior131.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior135.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior137.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior139.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior145.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/train/warrior/guy2_warrior148.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.

Preprocess TEST הנתונים

if not is_skip_step_1:
  images_in_test_folder = os.path.join(IMAGES_ROOT, 'test')
  images_out_test_folder = 'poses_images_out_test'
  csvs_out_test_path = 'test_data.csv'

  preprocessor = MoveNetPreprocessor(

Preprocessing chair
  0%|          | 0/84 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:128: DeprecationWarning: `np.str` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `str`. To silence this warning, use `str` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.str_` here.
Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance: https://numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.20.0-notes.html#deprecations
100%|██████████| 84/84 [00:15<00:00,  5.51it/s]
Preprocessing cobra
100%|██████████| 116/116 [00:19<00:00,  6.10it/s]
Preprocessing dog
100%|██████████| 90/90 [00:14<00:00,  6.03it/s]
Preprocessing tree
100%|██████████| 96/96 [00:16<00:00,  5.98it/s]
Preprocessing warrior
100%|██████████| 109/109 [00:17<00:00,  6.38it/s]
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra048.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra050.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra053.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra054.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra055.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra056.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra057.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra058.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra059.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra060.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra062.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra069.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra124.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra131.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra132.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra134.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra135.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/cobra/guy3_cobra136.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog025.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog026.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog036.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog042.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog106.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/dog/guy3_dog108.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior042.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior043.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior044.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior045.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior046.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior047.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior048.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior050.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior051.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior052.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior053.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior054.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior055.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior056.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior059.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior060.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior062.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior063.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior065.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior066.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior068.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior070.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior071.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior072.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior073.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior074.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior075.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior076.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior077.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior079.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior080.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior081.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior082.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior083.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior084.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior085.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior086.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior087.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior088.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior089.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.
Skipped yoga_cg/test/warrior/guy3_warrior137.jpg. No pose was confidentlly detected.

חלק 2: אימון מודל סיווג תנוחות שלוקח את קואורדינטות ציון הדרך כקלט, והפקת התוויות החזויות.

אתה תבנה מודל TensorFlow שלוקח את קואורדינטות ציון הדרך ומנבא את מעמד התנוחה שהאדם בתמונת הקלט מבצע. המודל מורכב משני תת-דגמים:

  • תת-מודל 1 מחשב הטבעת תנוחה (המכונה וקטור תכונה) מקואורדינטות ציון הדרך שזוהו.
  • דגם משנה 2 הזנות פוזת הטבעה באמצעות מספר Dense שכבה לחזות את מעמד התנוחה.

לאחר מכן תאמן את המודל על סמך מערך הנתונים שעובדו מראש בחלק 1.

(אופציונלי) הורד את מערך הנתונים המעובד מראש אם לא הפעלת את חלק 1

# Download the preprocessed CSV files which are the same as the output of step 1
if is_skip_step_1:
  !wget -O train_data.csv http://download.tensorflow.org/data/pose_classification/yoga_train_data.csv
  !wget -O test_data.csv http://download.tensorflow.org/data/pose_classification/yoga_test_data.csv

  csvs_out_train_path = 'train_data.csv'
  csvs_out_test_path = 'test_data.csv'
  is_skipped_step_1 = True

טען את קובצי CSV מעובד לתוך TRAIN ואת TEST מערכי נתונים.

def load_pose_landmarks(csv_path):
  """Loads a CSV created by MoveNetPreprocessor.

    X: Detected landmark coordinates and scores of shape (N, 17 * 3)
    y: Ground truth labels of shape (N, label_count)
    classes: The list of all class names found in the dataset
    dataframe: The CSV loaded as a Pandas dataframe features (X) and ground
      truth labels (y) to use later to train a pose classification model.

  # Load the CSV file
  dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
  df_to_process = dataframe.copy()

  # Drop the file_name columns as you don't need it during training.
  df_to_process.drop(columns=['file_name'], inplace=True)

  # Extract the list of class names
  classes = df_to_process.pop('class_name').unique()

  # Extract the labels
  y = df_to_process.pop('class_no')

  # Convert the input features and labels into the correct format for training.
  X = df_to_process.astype('float64')
  y = keras.utils.to_categorical(y)

  return X, y, classes, dataframe

טען ולפצל את המקורי TRAIN הנתונים לתוך TRAIN (85% של נתונים) ו VALIDATE (15% הנותרים).

# Load the train data
X, y, class_names, _ = load_pose_landmarks(csvs_out_train_path)

# Split training data (X, y) into (X_train, y_train) and (X_val, y_val)
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y,
# Load the test data
X_test, y_test, _, df_test = load_pose_landmarks(csvs_out_test_path)

הגדר פונקציות להמרת ציוני הדרך של התנוחה להטמעת תנוחה (המכונה גם וקטור תכונה) לסיווג התנוחה

לאחר מכן, המר את קואורדינטות ציון הדרך לוקטור תכונה על ידי:

  1. הזזת מרכז התנוחה למקור.
  2. שינוי קנה המידה של התנוחה כך שגודל התנוחה יהפוך ל-1
  3. שיטוח הקואורדינטות הללו לוקטור תכונה

לאחר מכן השתמש בוקטור תכונה זה כדי לאמן מסווג תנוחות מבוסס רשת עצבית.

def get_center_point(landmarks, left_bodypart, right_bodypart):
  """Calculates the center point of the two given landmarks."""

  left = tf.gather(landmarks, left_bodypart.value, axis=1)
  right = tf.gather(landmarks, right_bodypart.value, axis=1)
  center = left * 0.5 + right * 0.5
  return center

def get_pose_size(landmarks, torso_size_multiplier=2.5):
  """Calculates pose size.

  It is the maximum of two values:
    * Torso size multiplied by `torso_size_multiplier`
    * Maximum distance from pose center to any pose landmark
  # Hips center
  hips_center = get_center_point(landmarks, BodyPart.LEFT_HIP, 

  # Shoulders center
  shoulders_center = get_center_point(landmarks, BodyPart.LEFT_SHOULDER,

  # Torso size as the minimum body size
  torso_size = tf.linalg.norm(shoulders_center - hips_center)

  # Pose center
  pose_center_new = get_center_point(landmarks, BodyPart.LEFT_HIP, 
  pose_center_new = tf.expand_dims(pose_center_new, axis=1)
  # Broadcast the pose center to the same size as the landmark vector to
  # perform substraction
  pose_center_new = tf.broadcast_to(pose_center_new,
                                    [tf.size(landmarks) // (17*2), 17, 2])

  # Dist to pose center
  d = tf.gather(landmarks - pose_center_new, 0, axis=0,
  # Max dist to pose center
  max_dist = tf.reduce_max(tf.linalg.norm(d, axis=0))

  # Normalize scale
  pose_size = tf.maximum(torso_size * torso_size_multiplier, max_dist)

  return pose_size

def normalize_pose_landmarks(landmarks):
  """Normalizes the landmarks translation by moving the pose center to (0,0) and
  scaling it to a constant pose size.
  # Move landmarks so that the pose center becomes (0,0)
  pose_center = get_center_point(landmarks, BodyPart.LEFT_HIP, 
  pose_center = tf.expand_dims(pose_center, axis=1)
  # Broadcast the pose center to the same size as the landmark vector to perform
  # substraction
  pose_center = tf.broadcast_to(pose_center, 
                                [tf.size(landmarks) // (17*2), 17, 2])
  landmarks = landmarks - pose_center

  # Scale the landmarks to a constant pose size
  pose_size = get_pose_size(landmarks)
  landmarks /= pose_size

  return landmarks

def landmarks_to_embedding(landmarks_and_scores):
  """Converts the input landmarks into a pose embedding."""
  # Reshape the flat input into a matrix with shape=(17, 3)
  reshaped_inputs = keras.layers.Reshape((17, 3))(landmarks_and_scores)

  # Normalize landmarks 2D
  landmarks = normalize_pose_landmarks(reshaped_inputs[:, :, :2])

  # Flatten the normalized landmark coordinates into a vector
  embedding = keras.layers.Flatten()(landmarks)

  return embedding

הגדירו מודל של קרס לסיווג התנוחה

מודל Keras שלנו לוקח את ציוני הדרך של התנוחה שזוהו, ואז מחשב את הטבעת התנוחה ומנבא את מעמד התנוחה.

# Define the model
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(51))
embedding = landmarks_to_embedding(inputs)

layer = keras.layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu6)(embedding)
layer = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(layer)
layer = keras.layers.Dense(64, activation=tf.nn.relu6)(layer)
layer = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(layer)
outputs = keras.layers.Dense(len(class_names), activation="softmax")(layer)

model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
Model: "model"
 Layer (type)                   Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
 input_1 (InputLayer)           [(None, 51)]         0           []                               
 reshape (Reshape)              (None, 17, 3)        0           ['input_1[0][0]']                
 tf.__operators__.getitem (Slic  (None, 17, 2)       0           ['reshape[0][0]']                
 tf.compat.v1.gather (TFOpLambd  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.__operators__.getitem[0][0]'
 a)                                                              ]                                
 tf.compat.v1.gather_1 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.__operators__.getitem[0][0]'
 bda)                                                            ]                                
 tf.math.multiply (TFOpLambda)  (None, 2)            0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather[0][0]']    
 tf.math.multiply_1 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_1[0][0]']  
 tf.__operators__.add (TFOpLamb  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.multiply[0][0]',       
 da)                                                              'tf.math.multiply_1[0][0]']     
 tf.compat.v1.size (TFOpLambda)  ()                  0           ['tf.__operators__.getitem[0][0]'
 tf.expand_dims (TFOpLambda)    (None, 1, 2)         0           ['tf.__operators__.add[0][0]']   
 tf.compat.v1.floor_div (TFOpLa  ()                  0           ['tf.compat.v1.size[0][0]']      
 tf.broadcast_to (TFOpLambda)   (None, 17, 2)        0           ['tf.expand_dims[0][0]',         
 tf.math.subtract (TFOpLambda)  (None, 17, 2)        0           ['tf.__operators__.getitem[0][0]'
                                                                 , 'tf.broadcast_to[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_6 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_7 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.math.multiply_6 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_6[0][0]']  
 tf.math.multiply_7 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_7[0][0]']  
 tf.__operators__.add_3 (TFOpLa  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.multiply_6[0][0]',     
 mbda)                                                            'tf.math.multiply_7[0][0]']     
 tf.compat.v1.size_1 (TFOpLambd  ()                  0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_4 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_5 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_2 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.compat.v1.gather_3 (TFOpLam  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]']       
 tf.expand_dims_1 (TFOpLambda)  (None, 1, 2)         0           ['tf.__operators__.add_3[0][0]'] 
 tf.compat.v1.floor_div_1 (TFOp  ()                  0           ['tf.compat.v1.size_1[0][0]']    
 tf.math.multiply_4 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_4[0][0]']  
 tf.math.multiply_5 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_5[0][0]']  
 tf.math.multiply_2 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_2[0][0]']  
 tf.math.multiply_3 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_3[0][0]']  
 tf.broadcast_to_1 (TFOpLambda)  (None, 17, 2)       0           ['tf.expand_dims_1[0][0]',       
 tf.__operators__.add_2 (TFOpLa  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.multiply_4[0][0]',     
 mbda)                                                            'tf.math.multiply_5[0][0]']     
 tf.__operators__.add_1 (TFOpLa  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.math.multiply_2[0][0]',     
 mbda)                                                            'tf.math.multiply_3[0][0]']     
 tf.math.subtract_2 (TFOpLambda  (None, 17, 2)       0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]',       
 )                                                                'tf.broadcast_to_1[0][0]']      
 tf.math.subtract_1 (TFOpLambda  (None, 2)           0           ['tf.__operators__.add_2[0][0]', 
 )                                                                'tf.__operators__.add_1[0][0]'] 
 tf.compat.v1.gather_8 (TFOpLam  (17, 2)             0           ['tf.math.subtract_2[0][0]']     
 tf.compat.v1.norm (TFOpLambda)  ()                  0           ['tf.math.subtract_1[0][0]']     
 tf.compat.v1.norm_1 (TFOpLambd  (2,)                0           ['tf.compat.v1.gather_8[0][0]']  
 tf.math.multiply_8 (TFOpLambda  ()                  0           ['tf.compat.v1.norm[0][0]']      
 tf.math.reduce_max (TFOpLambda  ()                  0           ['tf.compat.v1.norm_1[0][0]']    
 tf.math.maximum (TFOpLambda)   ()                   0           ['tf.math.multiply_8[0][0]',     
 tf.math.truediv (TFOpLambda)   (None, 17, 2)        0           ['tf.math.subtract[0][0]',       
 flatten (Flatten)              (None, 34)           0           ['tf.math.truediv[0][0]']        
 dense (Dense)                  (None, 128)          4480        ['flatten[0][0]']                
 dropout (Dropout)              (None, 128)          0           ['dense[0][0]']                  
 dense_1 (Dense)                (None, 64)           8256        ['dropout[0][0]']                
 dropout_1 (Dropout)            (None, 64)           0           ['dense_1[0][0]']                
 dense_2 (Dense)                (None, 5)            325         ['dropout_1[0][0]']              
Total params: 13,061
Trainable params: 13,061
Non-trainable params: 0

# Add a checkpoint callback to store the checkpoint that has the highest
# validation accuracy.
checkpoint_path = "weights.best.hdf5"
checkpoint = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(checkpoint_path,
earlystopping = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', 

# Start training
history = model.fit(X_train, y_train,
                    validation_data=(X_val, y_val),
                    callbacks=[checkpoint, earlystopping])
Epoch 1/200
19/37 [==============>...............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.5703 - accuracy: 0.3684 
Epoch 00001: val_accuracy improved from -inf to 0.64706, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 1s 11ms/step - loss: 1.5090 - accuracy: 0.4602 - val_loss: 1.3352 - val_accuracy: 0.6471
Epoch 2/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.3372 - accuracy: 0.4844
Epoch 00002: val_accuracy improved from 0.64706 to 0.67647, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2375 - accuracy: 0.5190 - val_loss: 1.0193 - val_accuracy: 0.6765
Epoch 3/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.0596 - accuracy: 0.5469
Epoch 00003: val_accuracy improved from 0.67647 to 0.75490, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 1.0096 - accuracy: 0.5796 - val_loss: 0.8397 - val_accuracy: 0.7549
Epoch 4/200
21/37 [================>.............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.8922 - accuracy: 0.6220
Epoch 00004: val_accuracy improved from 0.75490 to 0.81373, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.8798 - accuracy: 0.6349 - val_loss: 0.7103 - val_accuracy: 0.8137
Epoch 5/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7895 - accuracy: 0.6875
Epoch 00005: val_accuracy improved from 0.81373 to 0.82353, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.7810 - accuracy: 0.6903 - val_loss: 0.6120 - val_accuracy: 0.8235
Epoch 6/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7324 - accuracy: 0.7250
Epoch 00006: val_accuracy improved from 0.82353 to 0.92157, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.7263 - accuracy: 0.7093 - val_loss: 0.5297 - val_accuracy: 0.9216
Epoch 7/200
19/37 [==============>...............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6852 - accuracy: 0.7467
Epoch 00007: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.92157
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.6450 - accuracy: 0.7595 - val_loss: 0.4635 - val_accuracy: 0.8922
Epoch 8/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6007 - accuracy: 0.7719
Epoch 00008: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.92157
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.5751 - accuracy: 0.7837 - val_loss: 0.4012 - val_accuracy: 0.9216
Epoch 9/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5358 - accuracy: 0.8125
Epoch 00009: val_accuracy improved from 0.92157 to 0.93137, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.5272 - accuracy: 0.8097 - val_loss: 0.3547 - val_accuracy: 0.9314
Epoch 10/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5200 - accuracy: 0.8094
Epoch 00010: val_accuracy improved from 0.93137 to 0.98039, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step - loss: 0.5051 - accuracy: 0.8218 - val_loss: 0.3014 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 11/200
19/37 [==============>...............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.4413 - accuracy: 0.8322
Epoch 00011: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.98039
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.4509 - accuracy: 0.8374 - val_loss: 0.2786 - val_accuracy: 0.9706
Epoch 12/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.4323 - accuracy: 0.8156
Epoch 00012: val_accuracy improved from 0.98039 to 0.99020, saving model to weights.best.hdf5
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step - loss: 0.4377 - accuracy: 0.8253 - val_loss: 0.2440 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 13/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.4037 - accuracy: 0.8719
Epoch 00013: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.4187 - accuracy: 0.8668 - val_loss: 0.2109 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 14/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.3664 - accuracy: 0.8813
Epoch 00014: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3733 - accuracy: 0.8772 - val_loss: 0.2030 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 15/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.3708 - accuracy: 0.8781
Epoch 00015: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3684 - accuracy: 0.8754 - val_loss: 0.1765 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 16/200
21/37 [================>.............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.3238 - accuracy: 0.9137
Epoch 00016: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3213 - accuracy: 0.9100 - val_loss: 0.1662 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 17/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2739 - accuracy: 0.9281
Epoch 00017: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3015 - accuracy: 0.9100 - val_loss: 0.1423 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 18/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.3076 - accuracy: 0.9062
Epoch 00018: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3022 - accuracy: 0.9048 - val_loss: 0.1407 - val_accuracy: 0.9804
Epoch 19/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2719 - accuracy: 0.9250
Epoch 00019: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2697 - accuracy: 0.9291 - val_loss: 0.1191 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 20/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2960 - accuracy: 0.9031
Epoch 00020: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2775 - accuracy: 0.9100 - val_loss: 0.1120 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 21/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2590 - accuracy: 0.9250
Epoch 00021: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2537 - accuracy: 0.9273 - val_loss: 0.1022 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 22/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2504 - accuracy: 0.9344
Epoch 00022: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2661 - accuracy: 0.9204 - val_loss: 0.0976 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 23/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2384 - accuracy: 0.9156
Epoch 00023: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2182 - accuracy: 0.9308 - val_loss: 0.0944 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 24/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2157 - accuracy: 0.9375
Epoch 00024: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2031 - accuracy: 0.9412 - val_loss: 0.0844 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 25/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1944 - accuracy: 0.9469
Epoch 00025: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2080 - accuracy: 0.9343 - val_loss: 0.0811 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 26/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2232 - accuracy: 0.9312
Epoch 00026: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2033 - accuracy: 0.9394 - val_loss: 0.0703 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 27/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2120 - accuracy: 0.9281
Epoch 00027: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1845 - accuracy: 0.9481 - val_loss: 0.0708 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 28/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2696 - accuracy: 0.9156
Epoch 00028: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2355 - accuracy: 0.9273 - val_loss: 0.0679 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 29/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1794 - accuracy: 0.9531
Epoch 00029: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1938 - accuracy: 0.9498 - val_loss: 0.0623 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 30/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1831 - accuracy: 0.9406
Epoch 00030: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1758 - accuracy: 0.9498 - val_loss: 0.0599 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 31/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1967 - accuracy: 0.9375
Epoch 00031: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1724 - accuracy: 0.9516 - val_loss: 0.0565 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 32/200
20/37 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1868 - accuracy: 0.9219
Epoch 00032: val_accuracy did not improve from 0.99020
37/37 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1676 - accuracy: 0.9360 - val_loss: 0.0503 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
# Visualize the training history to see whether you're overfitting.
plt.title('Model accuracy')
plt.legend(['TRAIN', 'VAL'], loc='lower right')


# Evaluate the model using the TEST dataset
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)
14/14 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0612 - accuracy: 0.9976

צייר את מטריצת הבלבול כדי להבין טוב יותר את ביצועי המודל

def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,
                          title='Confusion matrix',
  """Plots the confusion matrix."""
  if normalize:
    cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    print("Normalized confusion matrix")
    print('Confusion matrix, without normalization')

  plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
  tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
  plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=55)
  plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)
  fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
  thresh = cm.max() / 2.
  for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
    plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt),
              color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")

  plt.ylabel('True label')
  plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

# Classify pose in the TEST dataset using the trained model
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

# Convert the prediction result to class name
y_pred_label = [class_names[i] for i in np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)]
y_true_label = [class_names[i] for i in np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)]

# Plot the confusion matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1))
                      title ='Confusion Matrix of Pose Classification Model')

# Print the classification report
print('\nClassification Report:\n', classification_report(y_true_label,
Confusion matrix, without normalization

Classification Report:
               precision    recall  f1-score   support

       chair       1.00      1.00      1.00        84
       cobra       0.99      1.00      0.99        93
         dog       1.00      1.00      1.00        84
        tree       1.00      1.00      1.00        96
     warrior       1.00      0.99      0.99        68

    accuracy                           1.00       425
   macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00       425
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00       425


(אופציונלי) חקור תחזיות שגויות

אתה יכול להסתכל תנוחות מן TEST מערך נתונים נחזו שגוי כדי לראות אם דיוק המודל ניתן לשפר.

if is_skip_step_1:
  raise RuntimeError('You must have run step 1 to run this cell.')

# If step 1 was skipped, skip this step.

# Extract the list of incorrectly predicted poses
false_predict = [id_in_df for id_in_df in range(len(y_test)) \
                if y_pred_label[id_in_df] != y_true_label[id_in_df]]
if len(false_predict) > MAX_NO_OF_IMAGE_TO_PLOT:
  false_predict = false_predict[:MAX_NO_OF_IMAGE_TO_PLOT]

# Plot the incorrectly predicted images
row_count = len(false_predict) // IMAGE_PER_ROW + 1
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10 * IMAGE_PER_ROW, 10 * row_count))
for i, id_in_df in enumerate(false_predict):
  ax = fig.add_subplot(row_count, IMAGE_PER_ROW, i + 1)
  image_path = os.path.join(images_out_test_folder,

  image = cv2.imread(image_path)
  plt.title("Predict: %s; Actual: %s"
            % (y_pred_label[id_in_df], y_true_label[id_in_df]))
  plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))


חלק 3: המר את מודל סיווג התנוחות ל-TensorFlow Lite

אתה תמיר את מודל סיווג התנוחות של Keras לפורמט TensorFlow Lite כך שתוכל לפרוס אותו לאפליקציות ניידות, דפדפני אינטרנט ומכשירי IoT. בעת המרת המודל, תוכל להחיל קוונטיזציה טווח דינמית כדי להקטין את גודל מודל תנוחת סיווג TensorFlow לייט בכ 4 פעמים עם אובדן דיוק חסר חשיבות.

converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
tflite_model = converter.convert()

print('Model size: %dKB' % (len(tflite_model) / 1024))

with open('pose_classifier.tflite', 'wb') as f:
2021-12-21 12:12:00.560331: W tensorflow/python/util/util.cc:368] Sets are not currently considered sequences, but this may change in the future, so consider avoiding using them.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tmpr1ewa_xj/assets
2021-12-21 12:12:02.324896: W tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/python/tf_tfl_flatbuffer_helpers.cc:363] Ignored output_format.
2021-12-21 12:12:02.324941: W tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/python/tf_tfl_flatbuffer_helpers.cc:366] Ignored drop_control_dependency.
WARNING:absl:Buffer deduplication procedure will be skipped when flatbuffer library is not properly loaded
Model size: 26KB

לאחר מכן תכתוב את קובץ התווית שמכיל מיפוי מאינדקסי המחלקות לשמות המחלקות הניתנות לקריאה.

with open('pose_labels.txt', 'w') as f:

ככל שיישמת קוונטיזציה כדי להקטין את גודל המודל, הבה נעריך את מודל TFLite המקוונטי כדי לבדוק אם ירידת הדיוק מקובלת.

def evaluate_model(interpreter, X, y_true):
  """Evaluates the given TFLite model and return its accuracy."""
  input_index = interpreter.get_input_details()[0]["index"]
  output_index = interpreter.get_output_details()[0]["index"]

  # Run predictions on all given poses.
  y_pred = []
  for i in range(len(y_true)):
    # Pre-processing: add batch dimension and convert to float32 to match with
    # the model's input data format.
    test_image = X[i: i + 1].astype('float32')
    interpreter.set_tensor(input_index, test_image)

    # Run inference.

    # Post-processing: remove batch dimension and find the class with highest
    # probability.
    output = interpreter.tensor(output_index)
    predicted_label = np.argmax(output()[0])

  # Compare prediction results with ground truth labels to calculate accuracy.
  y_pred = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_pred)
  return accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)

# Evaluate the accuracy of the converted TFLite model
classifier_interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_content=tflite_model)
print('Accuracy of TFLite model: %s' %
      evaluate_model(classifier_interpreter, X_test, y_test))
Accuracy of TFLite model: 1.0

עכשיו אתה יכול להוריד את מודל TFLite ( pose_classifier.tflite ) ואת קובץ התווית ( pose_labels.txt ) כדי תנוחות מנהג לסווג. עיין אנדרואיד ו- Python / פטל Pi אפליקציה לדוגמה עבור דוגמה מקצה לקצה של אופן השימוש מודל סיווג התנוחה TFLite.

zip pose_classifier.zip pose_labels.txt pose_classifier.tflite
adding: pose_labels.txt (stored 0%)
  adding: pose_classifier.tflite (deflated 35%)
# Download the zip archive if running on Colab.
  from google.colab import files