
public class TFETensorHandle : _AnyTensorHandle
extension TFETensorHandle: Equatable

Class wrapping a C pointer to a TensorHandle. This class owns the TensorHandle and is responsible for destroying it.

  • Declaration

    public init(_owning base: CTensorHandle)
  • The number of dimensions of the underlying Tensor.


    public var rank: Int { get }
  • The shape of the underlying Tensor.


    public var shape: TensorShape { get }
  • Declaration

    public var backend: Device.Backend { get }
  • Declaration

    public var valueDescription: String { get }
  • Declaration

    static func tfDataTypeAsString(_ cDataType: TF_DataType) -> String
  • Returns true if the underlying tensors are equal.


    func elementsEqual(_ other: TFETensorHandle) -> Bool