
#include <server_core.h>

ServerCore contains state and helper methods enabling the building of ModelServers that support multiple interfaces.


All functionality in ServerCore is independent of any domain specific APIs and independent of platforms.

In terms of state, ServerCore is initialized with and retains a static ModelServerConfig, from which it bootstraps an AspiredVersionsManager and auxiliary data structures to support efficient serving.

Interfaces built above ServerCore, e.g. RPC service implementations, will remain stateless and will perform all lookups of servables (models) via ServerCore.


Inherits from: tensorflow::serving::Manager

Constructors and Destructors


Public types

CustomModelConfigLoader using
std::function< Status(const ::google::protobuf::Any &any, EventBus< ServableState > *event_bus, UniquePtrWithDeps< AspiredVersionsManager > *manager)>
A function that's responsible for instantiating and connecting the necessary custom sources and source adapters to the manager based on a passed in config (any).
PreLoadHook using
ServableStateMonitorCreator using
std::function< Status(EventBus< ServableState > *event_bus, std::unique_ptr< ServableStateMonitor > *monitor)>
ServerRequestLoggerUpdater using
std::function< Status(const ModelServerConfig &, ServerRequestLogger *)>
Function signature used to update the server_request_logger.

Friend classes

friend class

Public functions

GetAvailableServableHandles() const
std::map< ServableId, ServableHandle< T > >
GetServableHandle(const ModelSpec & model_spec, ServableHandle< T > *const handle)
Returns a ServableHandle given a ModelSpec.
GetServableHandle(const ModelSpec & model_spec, ServableHandle< Servable > *const handle)
virtual Status
ListAvailableServableIds() const override
virtual std::vector< ServableId >
Gets a list of all available servable ids, i.e.
Log(const google::protobuf::Message & request, const google::protobuf::Message & response, const LogMetadata & log_metadata)
virtual Status
Writes the log for the particular request, response and metadata, if we decide to sample it and if request-logging was configured for the particular model.
ReloadConfig(const ModelServerConfig & config)
virtual Status
Updates the server core with all the models and sources per the ModelServerConfig.
StartLoggingStream(const LogMetadata & log_metadata, ServerRequestLogger::CreateStreamLoggerFn< Request, Response > create_stream_logger_fn)
std::unique_ptr< StreamLogger< Request, Response > >
enable_cors_support() const
predict_response_tensor_serialization_option() const
servable_state_monitor() const
Returns ServableStateMonitor that can be used to query servable states.

Public static functions

Create(Options options, std::unique_ptr< ServerCore > *core)
Creates a ServerCore instance with all the models and sources per the ModelServerConfig.

Protected functions

ServerCore(Options options)



Options for configuring a ServerCore object.

Public types


std::function< Status(const ::google::protobuf::Any &any, EventBus< ServableState > *event_bus, UniquePtrWithDeps< AspiredVersionsManager > *manager)> CustomModelConfigLoader

A function that's responsible for instantiating and connecting the necessary custom sources and source adapters to the manager based on a passed in config (any).

The expected pattern is that ownership of the created sources/source adapters can be transferred to the manager.


AspiredVersionsManager::PreLoadHook PreLoadHook


std::function< Status(EventBus< ServableState > *event_bus, std::unique_ptr< ServableStateMonitor > *monitor)> ServableStateMonitorCreator


std::function< Status(const ModelServerConfig &, ServerRequestLogger *)> ServerRequestLoggerUpdater

Function signature used to update the server_request_logger.

Friend classes


friend class test_util::ServerCoreTestAccess

Public functions


std::map< ServableId, ServableHandle< T > > GetAvailableServableHandles() const 


Status GetServableHandle(
  const ModelSpec & model_spec,
  ServableHandle< T > *const handle

Returns a ServableHandle given a ModelSpec.

Returns error if no such Servable is available e.g. not yet loaded, has been quiesced/unloaded, etc. Callers may assume that an OK status indicates a non-null handle.

IMPORTANT: The caller should only hold on to a handle for a short time, for example for the duration of a single request. Holding a handle for a long period of time will prevent servable loading and unloading.

If 'options_.allow_version_labels==true', recognizes two specific model version labels "stable" and "canary" and resolves them to the smallest and largest available version, respectively.


virtual Status GetServableHandle(
  const ModelSpec & model_spec,
  ServableHandle< Servable > *const handle


virtual std::vector< ServableId > ListAvailableServableIds() const override

Gets a list of all available servable ids, i.e.

each of these can be retrieved using GetServableHandle.


virtual Status Log(
  const google::protobuf::Message & request,
  const google::protobuf::Message & response,
  const LogMetadata & log_metadata

Writes the log for the particular request, response and metadata, if we decide to sample it and if request-logging was configured for the particular model.


virtual Status ReloadConfig(
  const ModelServerConfig & config

Updates the server core with all the models and sources per the ModelServerConfig.

Like Create(), waits for all statically configured servables to be made available before returning, and returns an error if any such model fails to load. (Does not necessarily wait for models removed from the config to finish unloading; that may occur asynchronously.)

IMPORTANT: It is only legal to call this method more than once if using ModelConfigList (versus custom model config).


std::unique_ptr< StreamLogger< Request, Response > > StartLoggingStream(
  const LogMetadata & log_metadata,
  ServerRequestLogger::CreateStreamLoggerFn< Request, Response > create_stream_logger_fn


bool enable_cors_support() const 


internal::PredictResponseTensorSerializationOption predict_response_tensor_serialization_option() const 


virtual ServableStateMonitor * servable_state_monitor() const 

Returns ServableStateMonitor that can be used to query servable states.


virtual  ~ServerCore()=default

Public static functions


Status Create(
  Options options,
  std::unique_ptr< ServerCore > *core

Creates a ServerCore instance with all the models and sources per the ModelServerConfig.

For models statically configured with ModelConfigList, waits for them to be made available (or hit an error) for serving before returning. Returns an error status if any such model fails to load.

Protected functions


  Options options