Runs your Tensorflow code in Google Cloud Platform.
entry_point=None, requirements_txt=None, docker_config='auto',
distribution_strategy='auto', chief_config='auto',
worker_config='auto', worker_count=0, entry_point_args=None,
stream_logs=False, job_labels=None, service_account=None, **kwargs
Used in the notebooks
Args |
Optional string. File path to the python file or iPython
notebook that contains the TensorFlow code.
Note this path must be in the current working directory tree.
Example - '', 'training/', 'mnist.ipynb'
If entry_point is not provided, then
- If you are in an iPython notebook environment, then the
current notebook is taken as the
entry_point .
- Otherwise, the current python script is taken as the
entry_point .
Optional string. File path to requirements.txt file
containing additional pip dependencies if any. ie. a file with a
list of pip dependency package names.
Note this path must be in the current working directory tree.
Example - 'requirements.txt', 'deps/reqs.txt'
Optional DockerConfig . Represents Docker related
configuration for the run API.
image: Optional Docker image URI for the Docker image being built.
parent_image: Optional parent Docker image to use.
cache_from: Optional Docker image URI to be used as a cache when
building the new Docker image.
image_build_bucket: Optional GCS bucket name to be used for
building a Docker image via
Google Cloud Build.
Defaults to 'auto'. 'auto' maps to a default tfc.DockerConfig
'auto' or None. Defaults to 'auto'.
'auto' means we will take care of creating a Tensorflow
distribution strategy instance based on the machine configurations
you have provided using the chief_config , worker_config and
worker_count params.
If the number of workers > 0, we will use
tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy or
tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy based on the
accelerator type.
If number of GPUs > 0, we will use
Otherwise, we will use tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy
If you have created a distribution strategy instance in your script
already, please set distribution_strategy as None here.
For example, if you are using tf.keras custom training loops,
you will need to create a strategy in the script for distributing
the dataset.
Optional MachineConfig that represents the
configuration for the chief worker in a distribution cluster.
Defaults to 'auto'. 'auto' maps to a standard gpu config such as
COMMON_MACHINE_CONFIGS.T4_1X (8 cpu cores, 30GB memory,
1 Nvidia Tesla T4).
For TPU strategy, chief_config refers to the config of the host
that controls the TPU workers.
Optional MachineConfig that represents the
configuration for the general workers in a distribution cluster.
Defaults to 'auto'. 'auto' maps to a standard gpu config such as
COMMON_MACHINE_CONFIGS.T4_1X (8 cpu cores, 30GB memory,
1 Nvidia Tesla T4).
For TPU strategy, worker_config should be a TPU config with
Optional integer that represents the number of general
workers in a distribution cluster. Defaults to 0. This count does
not include the chief worker.
For TPU strategy, worker_count should be set to 1.
Optional list of strings. Defaults to None.
Command line arguments to pass to the entry_point program.
Boolean flag which when enabled streams logs back from
the cloud job.
Dict of str: str. Labels to organize jobs. You can specify
up to 64 key-value pairs in lowercase letters and numbers, where
the first character must be lowercase letter. For more details see
The email address of a user-managed service account
to be used for training instead of the service account that AI
Platform Training uses by default. see custom-service-account
Additional keyword arguments.
Returns |
A dictionary with two keys.'job_id' - the training job id and
'docker_image'- Docker image generated for the training job.