
Base class for detokenizer implementations.

A Detokenizer is a module that combines tokens to form strings. Generally, subclasses of Detokenizer will also be subclasses of Tokenizer; and the detokenize method will be the inverse of the tokenize method. I.e., tokenizer.detokenize(tokenizer.tokenize(s)) == s.

Each Detokenizer subclass must implement a detokenize method, which combines tokens together to form strings. E.g.:

class SimpleDetokenizer(tf_text.Detokenizer):
  def detokenize(self, input):
    return tf.strings.reduce_join(input, axis=-1, separator=" ")
text = tf.ragged.constant([["hello", "world"], ["a", "b", "c"]])
tf.Tensor([b'hello world' b'a b c'], shape=(2,), dtype=string)



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Assembles the tokens in the input tensor into a string.

Generally, detokenize is the inverse of the tokenize method, and can be used to reconstrct a string from a set of tokens. This is especially helpful in cases where the tokens are integer ids, such as indexes into a vocabulary table -- in that case, the tokenized encoding is not very human-readable (since it's just a list of integers), so the detokenize method can be used to turn it back into something that's more readable.

input An N-dimensional UTF-8 string or integer Tensor or RaggedTensor.

An (N-1)-dimensional UTF-8 string Tensor or RaggedTensor.