
A Trimmer that allocates a length budget to segments via round robin.

Inherits From: Trimmer

Used in the notebooks

Used in the guide

A Trimmer that allocates a length budget to segments using a round robin strategy, then drops elements outside of the segment's allocated budget. See generate_mask() for more details.

max_seq_length a scalar Tensor int32 that describes the number max number of elements allowed in a batch.
axis Axis to apply trimming on.



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Calculates a truncation mask given a per-batch budget.

Calculate a truncation mask given a budget of the max number of items for each or all batch row. The allocation of the budget is done using a 'round robin' algorithm. This algorithm allocates quota in each bucket, left-to-right repeatedly until all the buckets are filled.

For example if the budget of [5] and we have segments of size [3, 4, 2], the truncate budget will be allocated as [2, 2, 1].

segments A list of RaggedTensors each with a shape of [num_batch, (num_items)].

A list with len(segments) of RaggedTensors, see superclass for details.


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Truncate the list of segments.

Truncate the list of segments using the 'round-robin' strategy which allocates quota in each bucket, left-to-right repeatedly until all buckets are filled.

For example if the budget of [5] and we have segments of size [3, 4, 2], the truncate budget will be allocated as [2, 2, 1].

segments A list of RaggedTensors w/ shape [num_batch, (num_items)].

A list with len(segments) of RaggedTensors, see superclass for details.