Frequently Asked Questions

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Model Conversion

What formats are supported for conversion from TensorFlow to TensorFlow Lite?

The supported formats are listed here

Why are some operations not implemented in TensorFlow Lite?

In order to keep TFLite lightweight, only certain TF operators (listed in the allowlist) are supported in TFLite.

Why doesn't my model convert?

Since the number of TensorFlow Lite operations is smaller than TensorFlow's, some models may not be able to convert. Some common errors are listed here.

For conversion issues not related to missing operations or control flow ops, search our GitHub issues or file a new one.

How do I test that a TensorFlow Lite model behaves the same as the original TensorFlow model?

The best way to test is to compare the outputs of the TensorFlow and the TensorFlow Lite models for the same inputs (test data or random inputs) as shown here.

How do I determine the inputs/outputs for GraphDef protocol buffer?

The easiest way to inspect a graph from a .pb file is to use Netron, an open-source viewer for machine learning models.

If Netron cannot open the graph, you can try the summarize_graph tool.

If the summarize_graph tool yields an error, you can visualize the GraphDef with TensorBoard and look for the inputs and outputs in the graph. To visualize a .pb file, use the script like below:

python --model_dir <model path> --log_dir <log dir path>

How do I inspect a .tflite file?

Netron is the easiest way to visualize a TensorFlow Lite model.

If Netron cannot open your TensorFlow Lite model, you can try the script in our repository.

If you're using TF 2.5 or a later version

python -m model.tflite visualized_model.html

Otherwise, you can run this script with Bazel

bazel run //tensorflow/lite/tools:visualize model.tflite visualized_model.html


How do I reduce the size of my converted TensorFlow Lite model?

Post-training quantization can be used during conversion to TensorFlow Lite to reduce the size of the model. Post-training quantization quantizes weights to 8-bits of precision from floating-point and dequantizes them during runtime to perform floating point computations. However, note that this could have some accuracy implications.

If retraining the model is an option, consider Quantization-aware training. However, note that quantization-aware training is only available for a subset of convolutional neural network architectures.

For a deeper understanding of different optimization methods, look at Model optimization.

How do I optimize TensorFlow Lite performance for my machine learning task?

The high-level process to optimize TensorFlow Lite performance looks something like this:

  • Make sure that you have the right model for the task. For image classification, check out the TensorFlow Hub.
  • Tweak the number of threads. Many TensorFlow Lite operators support multi-threaded kernels. You can use SetNumThreads() in the C++ API to do this. However, increasing threads results in performance variability depending on the environment.
  • Use Hardware Accelerators. TensorFlow Lite supports model acceleration for specific hardware using delegates. See our Delegates guide for information on what accelerators are supported and how to use them with your model on-device.
  • (Advanced) Profile Model. The Tensorflow Lite benchmarking tool has a built-in profiler that can show per-operator statistics. If you know how you can optimize an operator’s performance for your specific platform, you can implement a custom operator.

For a more in-depth discussion on how to optimize performance, take a look at Best Practices.