
Sensitive data, such as PII (personally-identifiable information).

Inherits From: BaseModelCardField

sensitive_data A description of any sensitive data that may be present in a dataset. Be sure to note PII information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Preferably, such info should be scrubbed from a dataset if possible. Note that even non-identifying information, such as zip code, age, race, and gender, can be used to identify individuals when aggregated. Please describe any such fields here.



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Clear the subfields of this BaseModelCardField.


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Copies the contents of the model card proto into current object.


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Merges the contents of the model card proto into current object.


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Convert your model card to a python dictionary.


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Convert this class object to json.


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Convert this class object to the proto.



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Returns the number of items in a field. Ignores None values recursively, so the length of a field that only contains another field that has all None values would be 0.