Diferenciación personalizada

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Este tutorial le mostrará cómo definir sus propios derivados personalizados, realizar operaciones derivadas e implementar su propia API de puntos de control de gradiente en solo 5 líneas de Swift.

Declaración de derivados personalizados

Puede definir derivadas personalizadas para cualquier función de Swift que tenga parámetros y resultados diferenciables. Al hacer eso, incluso puede importar una función C y hacerla diferenciable.

import Glibc

func sillyExp(_ x: Float) -> Float {
    let 𝑒 = Float(M_E)
    print("Taking 𝑒(\(𝑒)) to the power of \(x)!")
    return pow(𝑒, x)

@derivative(of: sillyExp)
func sillyDerivative(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> Float) {
    let y = sillyExp(x)
    return (value: y, pullback: { v in v * y })

print("exp(3) =", sillyExp(3))
print("𝛁exp(3) =", gradient(of: sillyExp)(3))
Taking 𝑒(2.7182817) to the power of 3.0!
exp(3) = 20.085535
Taking 𝑒(2.7182817) to the power of 3.0!
𝛁exp(3) = 20.085535

Evita que los derivados se propaguen

Comúnmente conocido como "detener gradiente" en casos de uso de aprendizaje automático, el método withoutDerivative(at:) detiene la propagación de derivadas.

Además, withoutDerivative(at:) a veces puede ayudar al compilador Swift a identificar qué no diferenciar y producir derivados más eficientes. Cuando sea detectable que la derivada de una función siempre será cero, el compilador de Swift generará una advertencia. El uso explícito de withoutDerivative(at:) silencia esa advertencia.

let x: Float = 2.0
let y: Float = 3.0
let xyGradient = gradient(at: x, y) { x, y in
    sin(sin(sin(x))) + withoutDerivative(at: cos(cos(cos(y))))
(-0.18009877, 0.0)

Cirugía derivada

El método withDerivative(_:) hace que las operaciones arbitrarias (incluida la mutación) se ejecuten en el gradiente en un valor durante la retropropagación de la función envolvente.

Use esto para depurar o hacer ajustes experimentales a la retropropagación.

funciona en cualquier lugar

Todas las API de diferenciación proporcionadas por la biblioteca estándar se definen de forma genérica sobre todos los tipos que se ajustan al protocolo Differentiable : Float , Double , Float80 , vectores SIMD e incluso sus propios tipos.

Lea el documento técnico Tipos diferenciables para obtener más información sobre el protocolo Differentiable .

var x: Float = 30
let xGradient = gradient(at: x) { x -> Float in
    // Print the partial derivative with respect to the result of `sin(x)`.
    let a = sin(x).withDerivative { print("∂+/∂sin = \($0)") } 
    // Force the partial derivative with respect to `x` to be `0.5`.
    let b = log(x.withDerivative { (dx: inout Float) in
        print("∂log/∂x = \(dx), but rewritten to 0.5");
        dx = 0.5
    return a + b
∂log/∂x = 0.033333335, but rewritten to 0.5
∂+/∂sin = 1.0

Úselo en un módulo de red neuronal

Al igual que lo usamos en una función Float simple, podemos usarlo en cualquier aplicación numérica, como la siguiente red neuronal creada con Swift for TensorFlow Deep Learning Library .

import TensorFlow

struct MLP: Layer {
    var layer1 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 2, outputSize: 10, activation: relu)
    var layer2 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 10, outputSize: 1, activation: relu)

    func callAsFunction(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        let h0 = layer1(input).withDerivative { print("∂L/∂layer1 =", $0) }
        return layer2(h0)

var classifier = MLP()
let optimizer = SGD(for: classifier, learningRate: 0.02)

let x: Tensor<Float> = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]
let y: Tensor<Float> = [0, 1, 1, 0]

for _ in 0..<10 {
    let 𝛁model = gradient(at: classifier) { classifier -> Tensor<Float> in
        let ŷ = classifier(x).withDerivative { print("∂L/∂ŷ =", $0) }
        let loss = (ŷ - y).squared().mean()
        print("Loss: \(loss)")
        return loss
    optimizer.update(&classifier, along: 𝛁model)
Loss: 0.45304087
∂L/∂ŷ = [[     -0.25],
 [     -0.25],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[         0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,
           0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0],
 [         0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0,
           0.0,          0.0,          0.0,          0.0],
 [-0.046330024,  -0.07919147, -0.077494234,  -0.07907715,   0.14447221,  -0.07965051,
     0.0873662, -0.016764779,    0.1293755,  0.027867926],
 [-0.038724493, -0.066191405,   -0.0647728,  -0.06609586,   0.12075568,  -0.06657509,
    0.07302418, -0.014012676,  0.108137235,  0.023293132]]
Loss: 0.43502235
∂L/∂ŷ = [[-0.24459878],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[-0.053103957,  -0.09203638,   -0.0885385,  -0.09065656,   0.16429774, -0.090893134,
    0.09901551, -0.019131118,   0.14763679,   0.03180147],
 [-0.052884795,  -0.09165655,   -0.0881731,  -0.09028242,   0.16361968,  -0.09051801,
    0.09860687, -0.019052165,   0.14702748,  0.031670224],
 [-0.043228254, -0.074920446, -0.072073065, -0.073797226,   0.13374342,   -0.0739898,
    0.08060167, -0.015573319,   0.12018088,  0.025887374],
 [-0.035150383, -0.060920395, -0.058605086,  -0.06000707,   0.10875137, -0.060163658,
    0.06553999, -0.012663202,   0.09772321,  0.021049915]]
Loss: 0.40576553
∂L/∂ŷ = [[-0.23289952],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[-0.050774142,  -0.08952092, -0.084402055, -0.086720824,   0.15596299, -0.086545676,
    0.09358021,  -0.01821607,    0.1403872,  0.030280393],
 [-0.049356595,  -0.08702162,  -0.08204567,   -0.0842997,    0.1516087,  -0.08412944,
    0.09096757, -0.017707502,   0.13646778,  0.029435005],
 [ -0.03865028,   -0.0681451,  -0.06424852,  -0.06601361,   0.11872211,  -0.06588028,
   0.071235105, -0.013866433,  0.106865525,  0.023050034],
 [-0.029921012, -0.052754343, -0.049737815,  -0.05110426,    0.0919084, -0.051001046,
   0.055146467, -0.010734662,   0.08272966,  0.017844122]]
Loss: 0.38182113
∂L/∂ŷ = [[ -0.22214013],
 [ -0.21068493],
 [ -0.15761846],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[-0.048611242,  -0.08700116,  -0.08059354,  -0.08307868,   0.14837542,  -0.08254748,
    0.08869235, -0.017374532,   0.13374089,  0.028881513],
 [ -0.04610448,  -0.08251473,  -0.07643753, -0.078794524,   0.14072408, -0.078290716,
    0.08411872, -0.016478572,    0.1268442,  0.027392166],
 [ -0.03449187, -0.061731257,  -0.05718476,  -0.05894808,  0.105279066, -0.058571167,
    0.06293123, -0.012328016,    0.0948952,  0.020492738],
 [-0.025182918, -0.045070708, -0.041751258,  -0.04303868,   0.07686547,  -0.04276349,
   0.045946825, -0.009000828,   0.06928409,  0.014961987]]
Loss: 0.36222494
∂L/∂ŷ = [[ -0.2122466],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[ -0.046605036,   -0.08450727,  -0.077087075,   -0.07970615,    0.14145951,  -0.078871034,
     0.08428629,  -0.016600717,    0.12764633,   0.027595207],
 [ -0.043109544,   -0.07816901,   -0.07130535,   -0.07372799,    0.13084969,  -0.072955504,
    0.077964604, -0.0153556205,    0.11807254,   0.025525497],
 [ -0.030720405,   -0.05570423,  -0.050813094,  -0.052539498,    0.09324514,   -0.05198902,
    0.055558562,   -0.01094261,    0.08413999,   0.018189792],
 [ -0.020898461,  -0.037894443,  -0.034567107,   -0.03574154,    0.06343276,   -0.03536706,
     0.03779535,  -0.007444033,   0.057238705,   0.012374142]]
Loss: 0.34618416
∂L/∂ŷ = [[-0.20314947],
 [ -0.1832107],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[  -0.04474547,  -0.082062505,   -0.07385858,   -0.07658187,    0.13514856,   -0.07549053,
     0.08030583,   -0.01588919,   0.122056164,   0.026412444],
 [  -0.04035378,   -0.07400821,   -0.06660949,    -0.0690655,   0.121883966,   -0.06808127,
     0.07242396,  -0.014329694,    0.11007657,    0.02382011],
 [  -0.02730544,  -0.050077755,    -0.0450714,  -0.046733256,    0.08247295,   -0.04606728,
    0.049005765,  -0.009696207,   0.074483454,   0.016117908],
 [ -0.017032426,  -0.031237207,  -0.028114373,  -0.029150996,    0.05144449,  -0.028735576,
    0.030568527, -0.0060482426,   0.046460852,  0.0100539345]]
Loss: 0.33304712
∂L/∂ŷ = [[ -0.19478384],
 [  -0.1712287],
 [ -0.10964805],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[ -0.04302273,  -0.07968434,  -0.07088566,   -0.0736866,   0.12938349, -0.072381854,
   0.076702625, -0.015234879,   0.11692673,  0.025324788],
 [ -0.03782001, -0.070048146, -0.062313486,  -0.06477571,   0.11373719,  -0.06362875,
      0.067427, -0.013392531,   0.10278683,  0.022262271],
 [-0.024218429,  -0.04485604, -0.039903075, -0.041479785,   0.07283277, -0.040745318,
    0.04317757, -0.008576044,    0.0658206,  0.014255873],
 [-0.013551718, -0.025099747, -0.022328254, -0.023210522,  0.040754467,  -0.02279954,
   0.024160538,  -0.00479883,   0.03683072,  0.007977048]]
Loss: 0.32227832
∂L/∂ŷ = [[  -0.187089],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[ -0.041427277,   -0.07738533,   -0.06814741,  -0.071002685,   0.124111414,   -0.06952245,
     0.07343468, -0.0146330325,    0.11221778,   0.024324344],
 [  -0.03549181,  -0.066297986,   -0.05838363,  -0.060829815,    0.10632942,  -0.059561655,
    0.062913366,  -0.012536493,    0.09613983,   0.020839289],
 [  -0.02143252,   -0.04003552,  -0.035256255,  -0.036733437,   0.064209394,  -0.035967633,
     0.03799164,  -0.007570441,   0.058056183,   0.012584269],
 [ -0.010425118,   -0.01947391,  -0.017149203,  -0.017867727,   0.031232467,  -0.017495228,
    0.018479737, -0.0036823824,   0.028239448,   0.006121188]]
Loss: 0.3134383
∂L/∂ŷ = [[ -0.18000817],
 [ -0.15028599],
 [ -0.08526195],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[ -0.039949864,   -0.07517394,  -0.065624304,   -0.06851376,   0.119284846,    -0.0668912,
     0.07046529,  -0.014079211,     0.1078921,   0.023403734],
 [ -0.033353515,   -0.06276154,  -0.054788698,   -0.05720106,    0.09958904,   -0.05584641,
     0.05883036,  -0.011754512,   0.090077415,   0.019539408],
 [ -0.018922493,  -0.035606585,  -0.031083344,  -0.032451954,   0.056499984,   -0.03168342,
    0.033376306, -0.0066687027,   0.051103737,   0.011085318],
 [-0.0076232147,  -0.014344656, -0.0125223985,  -0.013073765,    0.02276188,  -0.012764148,
    0.013446154, -0.0026865886,   0.020587921,  0.0044658897]]
Loss: 0.30616698
∂L/∂ŷ = [[ -0.17348853],
 [ -0.14115131],
∂L/∂layer1 = [[ -0.038581613,   -0.07305531,  -0.063298136,   -0.06620461,    0.11486097,  -0.064468496,
    0.067762226,  -0.013569281,   0.103915446,   0.022556083],
 [ -0.031390235,  -0.059438244,  -0.051499747,  -0.053864464,   0.093451574,  -0.052451957,
    0.055131756,  -0.011040049,    0.08454623,   0.018351763],
 [  -0.01666469,  -0.031555034,  -0.027340584,  -0.028595984,    0.04961229,    -0.0278461,
    0.029268773, -0.0058610262,   0.044884555,   0.009742727],
 [-0.0051183524,  -0.009691737,   -0.00839732,  -0.008782901,   0.015237799,  -0.008552584,
     0.00898954, -0.0018001414,   0.013785734,  0.0029923574]]

Recálculo de activaciones durante la retropropagación para ahorrar memoria (puntos de control)

El checkpointing es una técnica tradicional de diferenciación automática en modo inverso para ahorrar memoria. En lugar de guardar valores intermedios grandes en el cálculo original para calcular derivados, los valores intermedios se vuelven a calcular según sea necesario durante la retropropagación.

Esta técnica también se ha realizado en bibliotecas modernas de aprendizaje profundo. En Swift, la API withRecomputationInPullbacks(_:) le permite controlar qué volver a calcular durante la retropropagación y está disponible en todos los tipos Differentiable .

Pero hoy, aprendamos cómo definir nuestras propias API de puntos de control de gradiente desde cero, en solo unas pocas líneas de código.

Nuestra API de puntos de control de gradiente

Podemos definir nuestra propia API de puntos de control de gradiente, makeRecomputedInGradient(_:) , en términos de la función de biblioteca estándar differentiableFunction(from:) , que es una abreviatura para crear una función diferenciable directamente de una función derivada (también llamada "productos jacobianos vectoriales"). (función VJP)").

Como hemos visto antes, la función derivada devuelve una tupla del resultado de la función original y un cierre pullback. Devolvemos original(x) en value: y llamamos a pullback(at:in:) en original para evaluar la función original nuevamente y obtener un retroceso.

/// Given a differentiable function, returns the same differentiable function except when
/// derivatives of this function are being computed. In that case, values in the original function needed
/// for computing the derivatives will be recomputed, instead of being captured by the differential or pullback.
/// - Parameter body: The body of the differentiable function.
/// - Returns: The same differentiable function whose derivatives, when computed, will recompute
///   some values from the original function.
func makeRecomputedInGradient<T: Differentiable, U: Differentiable>(
    _ original: @escaping @differentiable (T) -> U
) -> @differentiable (T) -> U {
    return differentiableFunction { x in
        (value: original(x), pullback: { v in pullback(at: x, in: original)(v) })

Verifica que funcione

let input: Float = 10.0
print("Running original computation...")

// Differentiable multiplication with checkpointing.
let square = makeRecomputedInGradient { (x: Float) -> Float in
    print("  Computing square...")
    return x * x

// Differentiate `f(x) = (cos(x))^2`.
let (output, backprop) = valueWithPullback(at: input) { input -> Float in
    return square(cos(input))
print("Running backpropagation...")
let grad = backprop(1)
print("Gradient = \(grad)")
Running original computation...
  Computing square...
Running backpropagation...
  Computing square...
Gradient = -0.9129453

Extiéndalo a módulos de redes neuronales

En este ejemplo, definimos una red neuronal convolucional simple.

struct Model: Layer {
    var conv = Conv2D<Float>(filterShape: (5, 5, 3, 6))
    var maxPool = MaxPool2D<Float>(poolSize: (2, 2), strides: (2, 2))
    var flatten = Flatten<Float>()
    var dense = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 36 * 6, outputSize: 10)

    func call(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        return input.sequenced(through: conv, maxPool, flatten, dense)

Queremos que las activaciones en la capa de convolución ( conv ) se vuelvan a calcular durante la retropropagación. Sin embargo, el uso de makeRecomputedInGradient(_:) podría hacer que el código resultante parezca engorroso, especialmente cuando queremos aplicar capas de forma secuencial usando sequenced(in:through:_:_:_:_:) .

input.sequenced(in: context, through: conv, maxPool, flatten, dense)

Entonces, ¿por qué no definimos un tipo de capa especial que envuelva una capa y haga que sus activaciones se vuelvan a calcular durante la retropropagación? Vamos a hacerlo.

Primero, definimos una makeRecomputedInGradient(_:) que toma una función binaria.

// Same as the previous `makeRecomputedInGradient(_:)`, except it's for binary functions.
func makeRecomputedInGradient<T: Differentiable, U: Differentiable, V: Differentiable>(
    _ original: @escaping @differentiable (T, U) -> V
) -> @differentiable (T, U) -> V {
    return differentiableFunction { x, y in
        (value: original(x, y), pullback: { v in pullback(at: x, y, in: original)(v) })

Luego, definimos una capa genérica ActivationDiscarding<Wrapped> .

import TensorFlow

/// A layer wrapper that makes the underlying layer's activations be discarded during application
/// and recomputed during backpropagation.
struct ActivationDiscarding<Wrapped: Layer>: Layer {
    /// The wrapped layer.
    var wrapped: Wrapped

    func callAsFunction(_ input: Wrapped.Input) -> Wrapped.Output {
        let apply = makeRecomputedInGradient { (layer: Wrapped, input: Input) -> Wrapped.Output in
            print("    Applying \(Wrapped.self) layer...")
            return layer(input)
        return apply(wrapped, input)

Finalmente, podemos agregar un método en todas las capas que devuelve la misma capa, excepto que sus activaciones se descartan durante la aplicación y se vuelven a calcular durante la retropropagación.

extension Layer {
    func discardingActivations() -> ActivationDiscarding<Self> {
        return ActivationDiscarding(wrapped: self)

Volviendo al modelo, todo lo que tenemos que cambiar es envolver la capa de convolución en la capa de activación-recomputación.

var conv = Conv2D<Float>(filterShape: (5, 5, 3, 6)).discardingActivations()

¡Ahora, simplemente utilícelo en el modelo!

struct Model: Layer {
    var conv = Conv2D<Float>(filterShape: (5, 5, 3, 6)).discardingActivations()
    var maxPool = MaxPool2D<Float>(poolSize: (2, 2), strides: (2, 2))
    var flatten = Flatten<Float>()
    var dense = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 36 * 6, outputSize: 10)

    func callAsFunction(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        return input.sequenced(through: conv, maxPool, flatten, dense)

Cuando ejecutamos un ciclo de entrenamiento, podemos ver que las activaciones de la capa de convolución se calculan dos veces: una vez durante la aplicación de la capa y otra durante la retropropagación.

// Use random training data.
let x = Tensor<Float>(randomNormal: [10, 16, 16, 3])
let y = Tensor<Int32>(rangeFrom: 0, to: 10, stride: 1)

var model = Model()
let opt = SGD(for: model)

for i in 1...5 {
    print("Starting training step \(i)")
    print("  Running original computation...")
    let (logits, backprop) = model.appliedForBackpropagation(to: x)
    let (loss, dL_dŷ) = valueWithGradient(at: logits) { logits in
        softmaxCrossEntropy(logits: logits, labels: y)
    print("  Loss: \(loss)")
    print("  Running backpropagation...")
    let (dL_dθ, _) = backprop(dL_dŷ)

    opt.update(&model, along: dL_dθ)
Starting training step 1
  Running original computation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
  Loss: 2.6726463
  Running backpropagation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
Starting training step 2
  Running original computation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
  Loss: 2.3370266
  Running backpropagation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
Starting training step 3
  Running original computation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
  Loss: 2.0828948
  Running backpropagation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
Starting training step 4
  Running original computation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
  Loss: 1.8765408
  Running backpropagation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
Starting training step 5
  Running original computation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...
  Loss: 1.701678
  Running backpropagation...
    Applying Conv2D<Float> layer...

Así de simple, es muy fácil definir bibliotecas de programación diferenciables genéricas para diferentes dominios.