
public final class DebugIdentityV3

Provides an identity mapping of the non-Ref type input tensor for debugging.

Provides an identity mapping of the non-Ref type input tensor for debugging.

Nested Classes

class DebugIdentityV3.Options Optional attributes for DebugIdentityV3  

Public Methods

Returns the symbolic handle of a tensor.
static <T> DebugIdentityV3<T>
create(Scope scope, Operand<T> input, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new DebugIdentityV3 operation.
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
debugUrls(List<String> debugUrls)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
deviceName(String deviceName)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
gatedGrpc(Boolean gatedGrpc)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
ioIndex(Long ioIndex)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
ioOfNode(String ioOfNode)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
isInput(Boolean isInput)
static DebugIdentityV3.Options
tensorName(String tensorName)

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public Output<T> asOutput ()

Returns the symbolic handle of a tensor.

Inputs to TensorFlow operations are outputs of another TensorFlow operation. This method is used to obtain a symbolic handle that represents the computation of the input.

public static DebugIdentityV3<T> create (Scope scope, Operand<T> input, Options... options)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new DebugIdentityV3 operation.

scope current scope
input Input tensor, non-Reference type
options carries optional attributes values
  • a new instance of DebugIdentityV3

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options debugUrls (List<String> debugUrls)

debugUrls List of URLs to debug targets, e.g., file:///foo/tfdbg_dump, grpc:://localhost:11011

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options deviceName (String deviceName)

deviceName Name of the device on which the tensor resides.

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options gatedGrpc (Boolean gatedGrpc)

gatedGrpc Whether this op will be gated. If any of the debug_urls of this debug node is of the grpc:// scheme, when the value of this attribute is set to True, the data will not actually be sent via the grpc stream unless this debug op has been enabled at the debug_url. If all of the debug_urls of this debug node are of the grpc:// scheme and the debug op is enabled at none of them, the output will be an empty Tensor.

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options ioIndex (Long ioIndex)

ioIndex The index of which the tensor is an input or output of the node.

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options ioOfNode (String ioOfNode)

ioOfNode Name of the node of which the tensor is an input or output.

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options isInput (Boolean isInput)

isInput If true, the tensor is an input of the node; otherwise the output.

public Output<T> output ()

public static DebugIdentityV3.Options tensorName (String tensorName)

tensorName Name of the input tensor.