
public static class UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options

Optional attributes for UniformQuantizedConvolution

Public Methods

batchGroupCount(Long batchGroupCount)
dimensionNumbers(String dimensionNumbers)
explicitPadding(List<Long> explicitPadding)
featureGroupCount(Long featureGroupCount)
lhsDilation(List<Long> lhsDilation)
lhsQuantizationAxis(Long lhsQuantizationAxis)
outputQuantizationAxis(Long outputQuantizationAxis)
rhsDilation(List<Long> rhsDilation)
rhsQuantizationAxis(Long rhsQuantizationAxis)
windowStrides(List<Long> windowStrides)

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options batchGroupCount (Long batchGroupCount)

batchGroupCount The number of batch groups. Used for grouped filters. Must be a divisor of `output_feature`.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options dimensionNumbers (String dimensionNumbers)

dimensionNumbers Structure of dimension information for the convolution op. Must be an empty string (default) or a serialized string of `tensorflow.UniformQuantizedConvolutionDimensionNumbersAttr` proto. If empty string, the default is `("NCHW", "OIHW", "NCHW")` (for a 2D convolution).

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options explicitPadding (List<Long> explicitPadding)

explicitPadding If `padding` is `"EXPLICIT"`, must be set as a list indicating the explicit paddings at the start and end of each `lhs` spatial dimension. Otherwise, this must be empty.

(If used,) Must be a list of size `2 * (number of lhs spatial dimensions)`, where `(explicit_padding[2 * i], explicit_padding[2 * i + 1])` indicates `(start_padding, end_padding)` of `spatial_dimensions[i]`.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options featureGroupCount (Long featureGroupCount)

featureGroupCount The number of feature groups. Used for grouped convolutions. Must be a divisor of both `lhs_feature` and `output_feature`.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options lhsDilation (List<Long> lhsDilation)

lhsDilation The dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `lhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of `lhs` spatial dimensions). If empty list, the dilation for each `lhs` spatial dimension is set to 1.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options lhsQuantizationAxis (Long lhsQuantizationAxis)

lhsQuantizationAxis Indicates the dimension index of the tensor where per-axis quantization is applied for the slices along that dimension. If set to -1 (default), this indicates per-tensor quantization. For the `lhs`, only per-tensor quantization is supported. Thus, this must be set to -1. Other values will raise error at OpKernel construction.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options outputQuantizationAxis (Long outputQuantizationAxis)

outputQuantizationAxis Indicates the dimension index of the tensor where per-axis quantization is applied for the slices along that dimension. If set to -1 (default), this indicates per-tensor quantization. For the `output`, only per-tensor quantization or per-channel quantization along `output_feature_dimension` is supported. Thus, this must be set to -1 or `dimension_numbers.output_feature_dimension`. Other values will raise error at OpKernel construction.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options rhsDilation (List<Long> rhsDilation)

rhsDilation The dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `rhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of `rhs` spatial dimensions). If empty list, the dilation for each `rhs` spatial dimension is set to 1.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options rhsQuantizationAxis (Long rhsQuantizationAxis)

rhsQuantizationAxis Indicates the dimension index of the tensor where per-axis quantization is applied for the slices along that dimension. If set to -1 (default), this indicates per-tensor quantization. For the `rhs`, only per-tensor quantization or per-channel quantization along `kernel_output_feature_dimension` is supported. Thus, this must be set to -1 or `dimension_numbers.kernel_output_feature_dimension`. Other values will raise error at OpKernel construction.

public UniformQuantizedConvolution.Options windowStrides (List<Long> windowStrides)

windowStrides The stride of the sliding window for each spatial dimension of `lhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of spatial dimensions). If an empty list is provided, the stride for each spatial dimension is set to 1.