Ways to consume text with Tensorflow Decision Forest models

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Decision forest learning algorithms work differently than gradient descent based models like neural networks or linear predictors. These differences manifest themselves across a variety of modeling decisions, but are especially pronounced when a dataset contains variable length categorical features, like tokenized text features, which tend to require architecture-specific feature engineering. This guide outlines the tradeoffs between different feature engineering strategies for text features in decision forest models.

In the following sections, we will refer to a dataset with these features, and assume we are predicting whether a user is going to purchase a specific product:

Feature User ID Prior Purchases Product Title Product Description
Example data 1234 [“TV”, “Vacuum”] “WiFi Router” “This router is …”

In this example, “Prior Purchases” is a sparse text feature (or a set of categorical items). “Product Title” is as well, but is not tokenized in this example. “Product Description” is a natural language feature, which has different properties than the other features, because we expect the vocabulary to be large (or unbounded), for word-order to matter, and to have other semantic and lexical properties inherent to the language. The strategies we describe below are appropriate for all of these features, but will have different tradeoffs for each one.

Quick Reference

The best solution, if training and inference cost is not a concern, is to use both categorical-sets and pre-trained embeddings for each text feature, since they have complementary strengths and weaknesses. We recommend this unless one of the constraints mentioned below are present.

Inference Speed Training Speed Ability to memorize token <> label relationships Generalization
Multiple Categoricals Fastest (++) Fastest (++) Limited Limited (+)
multi-hot Fast (+) Fast (assuming relatively small vocab size) (++) Good Limited (+)
Categorical-sets Fastest (+++) Slower (+) Best Limited (++)
embedding Slowest (assuming non-trivial encoder ops, like matrix multiplications) (+ to +++) Fastest (assuming vocab size >> embedding dimension) (+++) Bad Good (++ to +++)


N-grams (e.g. {"the", "cat", "is", "blue"} -> {"<start> the", "the cat", "cat is", "is blue", "blue <end>"}) can be beneficial in many cases, and capture local lexical information. They are supported in all of the methods below, but come at the cost of a dramatically larger vocabulary size, which can make them impractical due to training cost.

Discouraged Strategies

One-hot / Multi-hot encoding / Bag of Words

One-hot encoding is a classic strategy for densifying sparse text. Here we assume an extension where a sparse text feature is represented by either a multi-hot (1s for all contained tokens) or count-based vectorization (the count for each token in the vocabulary).

For example, if the vocabulary is 4 items, and indexed like [“TV”, “Vacuum”, “Wifi”, “Router”], the feature “Prior Purchases” would be a dense vector <1, 1, 0, 0>. If counts were taken into account and the feature was [“TV”, “TV”, “Vacuum”], it would be <2, 1, 0, 0>.


  • Since decision forest splits are learned on individual features, this is less expensive at training time than categorical sets.
  • Unlike the former, does not need any clipping or padding, and tokens have the same semantics across examples (i.e. “TV” will be constant across splits regardless of position).


  • This strategy often leads to highly unbalanced and sparse splits, which can make DF learning algorithms either slower to converge or subpar. This is because:
    • More splits are needed to learn the same information
    • Highly sparse trees generalize worse than balanced trees, usually resulting in a less accurate model.
  • Does not take into account positional information. This may hurt performance for natural language features.
  • Learning numerical splits on categorical data is sub-optimal; there are optimizations for finding categorical splits that are not leveraged here.
  • The training computational complexity scales linearly with the number of vocabulary items (which will each be consumed as a numerical feature). In practice, unless the dataset is very small (in which case large vocabularies may encourage overfitting), this makes vocabularies of > 5k items very slow to train.
  • The training memory consumption will be 1 byte (for one-hot) or 4 bytes (for counts) per vocabulary item per example, since at indexing time, the data will be stored as a dense version of the sparse data. This can grow prohibitively large for larger vocabularies and datasets.

Multiple Categorical Features with a fixed length

Since categorical features can be efficiently learned by decision forest algorithms, one natural way to consume sparse tokens is to pad / clip such that there are a fixed number of input tokens per example, and each token position is a separate and independent feature. In the example above, if “Prior Purchases” has at most 5 tokens, we can create features f1...f5 representing tokens 1-5, and discard any tokens > 5, and add missing values for examples where there are < 5.


  • This is efficient to train.
  • This may not hurt model quality if there is a low variance in the number of tokens per example, and the tokens are independent.
  • This may capture additional semantics (like purchase order in the example) more naturally than other methods.


  • Adds semantics onto “missing” padded tokens that will serve as noise to the model. This will be especially pronounced if there is a large variance in the number of tokens per example, which may happen for example with the “Product Description” feature.
  • The learned trees will be highly sensitive to ordering, i.e. if the feature is [“A”, “B”] the prediction will be different than the prediction for [“B”, “A”], and if the latter was never seen in the data, the model will be unable to generalize from the former. In general, this will require much more data to learn position invariance.
  • By default, each token will be represented by a feature with a different vocabulary. Even if you force the implementation to consider the same set of vocabulary items per feature, f1=”TV” will be a different vocabulary item than f2=”TV.” This means the algorithm will be less efficient in learning the relationship between the token “TV” and the label -- it will have to learn it separately for each token position.

Better Strategies

Categorical Sets

Categorical Sets (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.09991.pdf) are TF-DFs default feature representation for sparse text. A categorical set is effectively a bag of words, ignoring duplicates and ordering. For example, the feature “The TV is the best” would be represented by the categorical set {“best”, “is”, “the”, “TV}.

The native categorical set splitter, according to benchmarks on a variety of tasks (see paper), usually outperforms multi-hot and fixed-length categorical features. In theory, both categorical set splits and boolean splits on one-hot encoded features can learn the same information. However, take the following example, where the tree is trying to learn the following function:

if description contains “high” AND “speed” AND “gaming”:
  return True

In this case, the native categorical set splitter will learn 1 split, where {“high”, “speed”, “gaming”} => True.

A one hot representation would require 3 splits, on “high”, “split”, and “gaming,” and would need to find reasonable leaf nodes for all possible disjunctions of those categories (i.e. “high” and not “speed”). In practice, one-hot encoding leads to highly unbalanced trees that cannot be optimized efficiently by the best performing decision forest learning algorithms.


  • Best at learning bag-of-words information for decision forests.
  • Highly efficient to serve (can be served with QuickScorer, which can serve large trees in up to sub-microsecond-per-example time). The serving time complexity is linear in the number of items in each example’s categorical set, which in practice is much smaller than the vocabulary size.
  • Optimizes a single vocabulary per feature, so semantics are shared.


  • The cost of training a categorical set split scales with num_examples * vocab size, so similar to the one-hot algorithm, the trainable vocabulary size can be fairly small (N thousand) in practical settings. Note that this training speed can be improved by adjusting the sampling fraction of the greedy algorithm, but it may achieve sub-optimal quality.


Neural Networks have displayed state of the art performance on a variety of NLP tasks, and pre-trained embeddings consumed as numerical features empirically also work well with decision forest algorithms, despite the features being used very differently internally. Note that here we refer to “embedding” as any neural network encoding, e.g. the output of transformer / convolutional / recurrent layers.

Using pre-trained embeddings works well with neural networks in part because the initialization of a vector space where similar tokens or sentences are close in euclidean space has shown to transfer well across NLP tasks, and the gradients from that initialization are smaller and faster to converge than a fully random initialization. However, decision trees use embeddings as individual numeric features, and learn axis-aligned partitions of those individual features1. This means it is near impossible to utilize the same semantic information -- a dot product or a matrix multiplication, for example, cannot be represented with a set of axis-aligned splits. Furthermore, unlike neural networks, which can update the embeddings through gradient descent during training, the default decision forest learning algorithms are non-differentiable, meaning that the embeddings must stay frozen. Note that there is work (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.14761.pdf, for example) on differentiable decision forests. However, perhaps in part because in practice not all the bits of information in an embedding are actually utilized, even by neural networks, this strategy still works well with decision forests.


  • Can deal with much larger vocabulary sizes -- since an embedding is effectively a densification into a small number of embedding dimensions, it is unlikely that the number of input features to the decision forest increases dramatically.
  • Can generalize better, in theory, since similar embeddings can share sets of partitions. Note that a big caveat here is that, as mentioned above, basis transformations or rotations in vector space can have two similar embeddings be completely different in the axis-aligned partitioned space for decision forests.
  • Can naturally encapsulate recurrence / word order, for example if the encoder contains convolutions, attention, or an RNN.
  • Can leverage information from another dataset (pre-training for transfer learning).


  • Not good at memorizing information -- the splits can cause fuzzy classifications or high sensitivity to phrasing (i.e. “the router is great” vs “a great router”) will produce different embeddings, which may be close in euclidean space but not necessarily have similar numerical features.
  • Slowest to serve, because the full encoder forward pass needs to be done at inference time. The actual latency is highly dependent on the architecture that produced the embeddings; i.e., a transformer encoder will typically be much slower than a raw embedding table lookup with mean-pooling.


  1. Enabling oblique splits can allow learning non-axis aligned information, but it will still be on a dimension-by-dimension basis.