Reconnaissance d'action avec un CNN 3D gonflé

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Cette Colab démontre la reconnaissance des actions dans les données vidéo en utilisant le module. Plus de modèles pour détecter les actions dans les vidéos peuvent être trouvées ici .

Le modèle sous - jacent est décrit dans le document « Quo Vadis, la reconnaissance d' action? Un nouveau modèle et Kinetics Dataset » par Joao Carreira et Andrew Zisserman. Le document a été publié sur arXiv en mai 2017 et a été publié en tant que document de conférence CVPR 2017. Le code source est accessible au public sur GitHub .

"Quo Vadis" a introduit une nouvelle architecture pour la classification vidéo, le Inflated 3D Convnet ou I3D. Cette architecture a permis d'obtenir des résultats de pointe sur les ensembles de données UCF101 et HMDB51 en affinant ces modèles. Modèles I3D pré-formés sur Kinetics également placé d' abord dans le CVPR 2017 Charades défi .

Le module original a été formé sur la cinétique-400 dateset et connaît 400 actions différentes. Les étiquettes de ces actions se trouvent dans le fichier carte d'étiquette .

Dans ce Colab, nous l'utiliserons pour reconnaître les activités dans les vidéos à partir d'un ensemble de données UCF101.


pip install -q imageio
pip install -q opencv-python
pip install -q git+

Importez les modules nécessaires

# TensorFlow and TF-Hub modules.
from absl import logging

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from tensorflow_docs.vis import embed


# Some modules to help with reading the UCF101 dataset.
import random
import re
import os
import tempfile
import ssl
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Some modules to display an animation using imageio.
import imageio
from IPython import display

from urllib import request  # requires python3

Fonctions d'assistance pour l'ensemble de données UCF101

# Utilities to fetch videos from UCF101 dataset
_CACHE_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# As of July 2020, doesn't use a certificate accepted by the
# default Colab environment anymore.
unverified_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

def list_ucf_videos():
  """Lists videos available in UCF101 dataset."""
  global _VIDEO_LIST
  if not _VIDEO_LIST:
    index = request.urlopen(UCF_ROOT, context=unverified_context).read().decode("utf-8")
    videos = re.findall("(v_[\w_]+\.avi)", index)
    _VIDEO_LIST = sorted(set(videos))
  return list(_VIDEO_LIST)

def fetch_ucf_video(video):
  """Fetchs a video and cache into local filesystem."""
  cache_path = os.path.join(_CACHE_DIR, video)
  if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
    urlpath = request.urljoin(UCF_ROOT, video)
    print("Fetching %s => %s" % (urlpath, cache_path))
    data = request.urlopen(urlpath, context=unverified_context).read()
    open(cache_path, "wb").write(data)
  return cache_path

# Utilities to open video files using CV2
def crop_center_square(frame):
  y, x = frame.shape[0:2]
  min_dim = min(y, x)
  start_x = (x // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
  start_y = (y // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
  return frame[start_y:start_y+min_dim,start_x:start_x+min_dim]

def load_video(path, max_frames=0, resize=(224, 224)):
  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
  frames = []
    while True:
      ret, frame =
      if not ret:
      frame = crop_center_square(frame)
      frame = cv2.resize(frame, resize)
      frame = frame[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]

      if len(frames) == max_frames:
  return np.array(frames) / 255.0

def to_gif(images):
  converted_images = np.clip(images * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
  imageio.mimsave('./animation.gif', converted_images, fps=25)
  return embed.embed_file('./animation.gif')

Obtenez les étiquettes kinetics-400

Found 400 labels.

Utilisation de l'ensemble de données UCF101

# Get the list of videos in the dataset.
ucf_videos = list_ucf_videos()

categories = {}
for video in ucf_videos:
  category = video[2:-12]
  if category not in categories:
    categories[category] = []
print("Found %d videos in %d categories." % (len(ucf_videos), len(categories)))

for category, sequences in categories.items():
  summary = ", ".join(sequences[:2])
  print("%-20s %4d videos (%s, ...)" % (category, len(sequences), summary))
Found 13320 videos in 101 categories.
ApplyEyeMakeup        145 videos (v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ApplyLipstick         114 videos (v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Archery               145 videos (v_Archery_g01_c01.avi, v_Archery_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BabyCrawling          132 videos (v_BabyCrawling_g01_c01.avi, v_BabyCrawling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BalanceBeam           108 videos (v_BalanceBeam_g01_c01.avi, v_BalanceBeam_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BandMarching          155 videos (v_BandMarching_g01_c01.avi, v_BandMarching_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BaseballPitch         150 videos (v_BaseballPitch_g01_c01.avi, v_BaseballPitch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BasketballDunk        131 videos (v_BasketballDunk_g01_c01.avi, v_BasketballDunk_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Basketball            134 videos (v_Basketball_g01_c01.avi, v_Basketball_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BenchPress            160 videos (v_BenchPress_g01_c01.avi, v_BenchPress_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Biking                134 videos (v_Biking_g01_c01.avi, v_Biking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Billiards             150 videos (v_Billiards_g01_c01.avi, v_Billiards_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BlowDryHair           131 videos (v_BlowDryHair_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowDryHair_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BlowingCandles        109 videos (v_BlowingCandles_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowingCandles_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BodyWeightSquats      112 videos (v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c01.avi, v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Bowling               155 videos (v_Bowling_g01_c01.avi, v_Bowling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BoxingPunchingBag     163 videos (v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BoxingSpeedBag        134 videos (v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BreastStroke          101 videos (v_BreastStroke_g01_c01.avi, v_BreastStroke_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BrushingTeeth         131 videos (v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c01.avi, v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CleanAndJerk          112 videos (v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c01.avi, v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CliffDiving           138 videos (v_CliffDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_CliffDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CricketBowling        139 videos (v_CricketBowling_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketBowling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CricketShot           167 videos (v_CricketShot_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketShot_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CuttingInKitchen      110 videos (v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c01.avi, v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Diving                150 videos (v_Diving_g01_c01.avi, v_Diving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Drumming              161 videos (v_Drumming_g01_c01.avi, v_Drumming_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Fencing               111 videos (v_Fencing_g01_c01.avi, v_Fencing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FieldHockeyPenalty    126 videos (v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FloorGymnastics       125 videos (v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c01.avi, v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FrisbeeCatch          126 videos (v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c01.avi, v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FrontCrawl            137 videos (v_FrontCrawl_g01_c01.avi, v_FrontCrawl_g01_c02.avi, ...)
GolfSwing             139 videos (v_GolfSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_GolfSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Haircut               130 videos (v_Haircut_g01_c01.avi, v_Haircut_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HammerThrow           150 videos (v_HammerThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_HammerThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Hammering             140 videos (v_Hammering_g01_c01.avi, v_Hammering_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HandstandPushups      128 videos (v_HandstandPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HandstandWalking      111 videos (v_HandstandWalking_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandWalking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HeadMassage           147 videos (v_HeadMassage_g01_c01.avi, v_HeadMassage_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HighJump              123 videos (v_HighJump_g01_c01.avi, v_HighJump_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HorseRace             124 videos (v_HorseRace_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRace_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HorseRiding           164 videos (v_HorseRiding_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRiding_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HulaHoop              125 videos (v_HulaHoop_g01_c01.avi, v_HulaHoop_g01_c02.avi, ...)
IceDancing            158 videos (v_IceDancing_g01_c01.avi, v_IceDancing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JavelinThrow          117 videos (v_JavelinThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_JavelinThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JugglingBalls         121 videos (v_JugglingBalls_g01_c01.avi, v_JugglingBalls_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JumpRope              144 videos (v_JumpRope_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpRope_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JumpingJack           123 videos (v_JumpingJack_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpingJack_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Kayaking              141 videos (v_Kayaking_g01_c01.avi, v_Kayaking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Knitting              123 videos (v_Knitting_g01_c01.avi, v_Knitting_g01_c02.avi, ...)
LongJump              131 videos (v_LongJump_g01_c01.avi, v_LongJump_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Lunges                127 videos (v_Lunges_g01_c01.avi, v_Lunges_g01_c02.avi, ...)
MilitaryParade        125 videos (v_MilitaryParade_g01_c01.avi, v_MilitaryParade_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Mixing                136 videos (v_Mixing_g01_c01.avi, v_Mixing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
MoppingFloor          110 videos (v_MoppingFloor_g01_c01.avi, v_MoppingFloor_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Nunchucks             132 videos (v_Nunchucks_g01_c01.avi, v_Nunchucks_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ParallelBars          114 videos (v_ParallelBars_g01_c01.avi, v_ParallelBars_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PizzaTossing          113 videos (v_PizzaTossing_g01_c01.avi, v_PizzaTossing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingCello          164 videos (v_PlayingCello_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingCello_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingDaf            151 videos (v_PlayingDaf_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDaf_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingDhol           164 videos (v_PlayingDhol_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDhol_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingFlute          155 videos (v_PlayingFlute_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingFlute_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingGuitar         160 videos (v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingPiano          105 videos (v_PlayingPiano_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingPiano_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingSitar          157 videos (v_PlayingSitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingSitar_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingTabla          111 videos (v_PlayingTabla_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingTabla_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingViolin         100 videos (v_PlayingViolin_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingViolin_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PoleVault             149 videos (v_PoleVault_g01_c01.avi, v_PoleVault_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PommelHorse           123 videos (v_PommelHorse_g01_c01.avi, v_PommelHorse_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PullUps               100 videos (v_PullUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PullUps_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Punch                 160 videos (v_Punch_g01_c01.avi, v_Punch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PushUps               102 videos (v_PushUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PushUps_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Rafting               111 videos (v_Rafting_g01_c01.avi, v_Rafting_g01_c02.avi, ...)
RockClimbingIndoor    144 videos (v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c01.avi, v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c02.avi, ...)
RopeClimbing          119 videos (v_RopeClimbing_g01_c01.avi, v_RopeClimbing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Rowing                137 videos (v_Rowing_g01_c01.avi, v_Rowing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SalsaSpin             133 videos (v_SalsaSpin_g01_c01.avi, v_SalsaSpin_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ShavingBeard          161 videos (v_ShavingBeard_g01_c01.avi, v_ShavingBeard_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Shotput               144 videos (v_Shotput_g01_c01.avi, v_Shotput_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SkateBoarding         120 videos (v_SkateBoarding_g01_c01.avi, v_SkateBoarding_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Skiing                135 videos (v_Skiing_g01_c01.avi, v_Skiing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Skijet                100 videos (v_Skijet_g01_c01.avi, v_Skijet_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SkyDiving             110 videos (v_SkyDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_SkyDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SoccerJuggling        147 videos (v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SoccerPenalty         137 videos (v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...)
StillRings            112 videos (v_StillRings_g01_c01.avi, v_StillRings_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SumoWrestling         116 videos (v_SumoWrestling_g01_c01.avi, v_SumoWrestling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Surfing               126 videos (v_Surfing_g01_c01.avi, v_Surfing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Swing                 131 videos (v_Swing_g01_c01.avi, v_Swing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TableTennisShot       140 videos (v_TableTennisShot_g01_c01.avi, v_TableTennisShot_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TaiChi                100 videos (v_TaiChi_g01_c01.avi, v_TaiChi_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TennisSwing           166 videos (v_TennisSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_TennisSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ThrowDiscus           130 videos (v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c01.avi, v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TrampolineJumping     119 videos (v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c01.avi, v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Typing                136 videos (v_Typing_g01_c01.avi, v_Typing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
UnevenBars            104 videos (v_UnevenBars_g01_c01.avi, v_UnevenBars_g01_c02.avi, ...)
VolleyballSpiking     116 videos (v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c01.avi, v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WalkingWithDog        123 videos (v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c01.avi, v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WallPushups           130 videos (v_WallPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_WallPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WritingOnBoard        152 videos (v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c01.avi, v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c02.avi, ...)
YoYo                  128 videos (v_YoYo_g01_c01.avi, v_YoYo_g01_c02.avi, ...)
# Get a sample cricket video.
video_path = fetch_ucf_video("v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi")
sample_video = load_video(video_path)
Fetching => /tmp/tmp4wns8m2b/v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi
(116, 224, 224, 3)
i3d = hub.load("").signatures['default']

Exécutez le modèle id3 et imprimez les 5 meilleures prédictions d'action.

def predict(sample_video):
  # Add a batch axis to the sample video.
  model_input = tf.constant(sample_video, dtype=tf.float32)[tf.newaxis, ...]

  logits = i3d(model_input)['default'][0]
  probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

  print("Top 5 actions:")
  for i in np.argsort(probabilities)[::-1][:5]:
    print(f"  {labels[i]:22}: {probabilities[i] * 100:5.2f}%")
Top 5 actions:
  playing cricket       : 97.77%
  skateboarding         :  0.71%
  robot dancing         :  0.56%
  roller skating        :  0.56%
  golf putting          :  0.13%

Maintenant , essayez une nouvelle vidéo, à partir de : : Videos_of_sports

Que diriez - vous cette vidéo par Patrick Gillett:

curl -O
% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 55.0M  100 55.0M    0     0  21.9M      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 21.9M
video_path = "End_of_a_jam.ogv"
sample_video = load_video(video_path)[:100]
(100, 224, 224, 3)


Top 5 actions:
  roller skating        : 96.85%
  playing volleyball    :  1.63%
  skateboarding         :  0.21%
  playing ice hockey    :  0.20%
  playing basketball    :  0.16%