
Stationary Stochastic Bandit environment with per-arm features.

Inherits From: BanditPyEnvironment, PyEnvironment

Used in the notebooks

Used in the tutorials

global_context_sampling_fn A function that outputs a random 1d array or list of ints or floats. This output is the global context. Its shape and type must be consistent across calls.
arm_context_sampling_fn A function that outputs a random 1 array or list of ints or floats (same type as the output of global_context_sampling_fn). This output is the per-arm context. Its shape must be consistent across calls.
max_num_actions (int) the maximum number of actions in every sample. If num_actions_fn is not set, this many actions are available in every time step.
reward_fn A function that generates a reward when called with an observation.
num_actions_fn If set, it should be a function that outputs a single integer specifying the number of actions for a given time step. The value output by this function will be capped between 1 and max_num_actions. The number of actions will be encoded in the observation by the feature key num_actions.
batch_size The batch size.
name The name of this environment instance.

batch_size The batch size of the environment.



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Defines the actions that should be provided to step().

May use a subclass of ArraySpec that specifies additional properties such as min and max bounds on the values.

An ArraySpec, or a nested dict, list or tuple of ArraySpecs.


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Whether the environment is batched or not.

If the environment supports batched observations and actions, then overwrite this property to True.

A batched environment takes in a batched set of actions and returns a batched set of observations. This means for all numpy arrays in the input and output nested structures, the first dimension is the batch size.

When batched, the left-most dimension is not part of the action_spec or the observation_spec and corresponds to the batch dimension.

When batched and handle_auto_reset, it checks np.all(steps.is_last()).

A boolean indicating whether the environment is batched or not.


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Frees any resources used by the environment.

Implement this method for an environment backed by an external process.

This method be used directly

env = Env(...)
# Use env.

or via a context manager

with Env(...) as env:
  # Use env.


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Returns the current timestep.


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Defines the discount that are returned by step().

Override this method to define an environment that uses non-standard discount values, for example an environment with array-valued discounts.

An ArraySpec, or a nested dict, list or tuple of ArraySpecs.


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Returns the environment info returned on the last step.

Info returned by last call to step(). None by default.

NotImplementedError If the environment does not use info.


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Returns the state of the environment.

The state contains everything required to restore the environment to the current configuration. This can contain e.g.

  • The current time_step.
  • The number of steps taken in the environment (for finite horizon MDPs).
  • Hidden state (for POMDPs).

Callers should not assume anything about the contents or format of the returned state. It should be treated as a token that can be passed back to set_state() later.

Note that the returned state handle should not be modified by the environment later on, and ensuring this (e.g. using copy.deepcopy) is the responsibility of the environment.

state The current state of the environment.


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Defines the observations provided by the environment.

May use a subclass of ArraySpec that specifies additional properties such as min and max bounds on the values.

An ArraySpec, or a nested dict, list or tuple of ArraySpecs.


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Renders the environment.

mode One of ['rgb_array', 'human']. Renders to an numpy array, or brings up a window where the environment can be visualized.

An ndarray of shape [width, height, 3] denoting an RGB image if mode is rgb_array. Otherwise return nothing and render directly to a display window.

NotImplementedError If the environment does not support rendering.


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Starts a new sequence and returns the first TimeStep of this sequence.

A TimeStep namedtuple containing: step_type: A StepType of FIRST. reward: 0.0, indicating the reward. discount: 1.0, indicating the discount. observation: A NumPy array, or a nested dict, list or tuple of arrays corresponding to observation_spec().


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Defines the rewards that are returned by step().

Override this method to define an environment that uses non-standard reward values, for example an environment with array-valued rewards.

An ArraySpec, or a nested dict, list or tuple of ArraySpecs.


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Seeds the environment.

seed Value to use as seed for the environment.


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Restores the environment to a given state.

See definition of state in the documentation for get_state().

state A state to restore the environment to.


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Whether the Environmet should reset given the current timestep.

By default it only resets when all time_steps are LAST.

current_time_step The current TimeStep.

A bool indicating whether the Environment should reset or not.


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Updates the environment according to the action and returns a TimeStep.

If the environment returned a TimeStep with StepType.LAST at the previous step the implementation of _step in the environment should call reset to start a new sequence and ignore action.

This method will start a new sequence if called after the environment has been constructed and reset has not been called. In this case action will be ignored.

If should_reset(current_time_step) is True, then this method will reset by itself. In this case action will be ignored.

action A NumPy array, or a nested dict, list or tuple of arrays corresponding to action_spec().

A TimeStep namedtuple containing: step_type: A StepType value. reward: A NumPy array, reward value for this timestep. discount: A NumPy array, discount in the range [0, 1]. observation: A NumPy array, or a nested dict, list or tuple of arrays corresponding to observation_spec().


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Describes the TimeStep fields returned by step().

Override this method to define an environment that uses non-standard values for any of the items returned by step(). For example, an environment with array-valued rewards.

A TimeStep namedtuple containing (possibly nested) ArraySpecs defining the step_type, reward, discount, and observation structure.


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Allows the environment to be used in a with-statement context.


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Allows the environment to be used in a with-statement context.