
Class outlining the default Tracing Protocol for Scalarizer.

If included as an argument, corresponding tf.function will always retrace for each usage.

Derived classes can override this behavior by specifying their own Tracing Protocol.



Cast value to this type.

value An input value belonging to this TraceType.
cast_context A context reserved for internal/future usage.

The value casted to this TraceType.

AssertionError When _cast is not overloaded in subclass, the value is returned directly, and it should be the same to self.placeholder_value().


Returns a list of TensorSpecs corresponding to to_tensors values.


Generates a value of this type from Tensors.

Must use the same fixed amount of tensors as to_tensors.

tensors An iterator from which the tensors can be pulled.

A value of this type.


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Returns True if self is a subtype of other.

For example, tf.function uses subtyping for dispatch: if a.is_subtype_of(b) is True, then an argument of TraceType a can be used as argument to a ConcreteFunction traced with an a TraceType b.

other A TraceType object to be compared against.


class Dimension(TraceType):
  def __init__(self, value: Optional[int]):
    self.value = value

  def is_subtype_of(self, other):
    # Either the value is the same or other has a generalized value that
    # can represent any specific ones.
    return (self.value == other.value) or (other.value is None)


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Returns the most specific supertype of self and others, if exists.

The returned TraceType is a supertype of self and others, that is, they are all subtypes (see is_subtype_of) of it. It is also most specific, that is, there it has no subtype that is also a common supertype of self and others.

If self and others have no common supertype, this returns None.

others A sequence of TraceTypes.


 class Dimension(TraceType):
   def __init__(self, value: Optional[int]):
     self.value = value

   def most_specific_common_supertype(self, other):
      # Either the value is the same or other has a generalized value that
      # can represent any specific ones.
      if self.value == other.value:
        return self.value
        return Dimension(None)


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Creates a placeholder for tracing.

tf.funcion traces with the placeholder value rather than the actual value. For example, a placeholder value can represent multiple different actual values. This means that the trace generated with that placeholder value is more general and reusable which saves expensive retracing.

placeholder_context A context reserved for internal/future usage.

For the Fruit example shared above, implementing:

class FruitTraceType:
  def placeholder_value(self, placeholder_context):
    return Fruit()

instructs tf.function to trace with the Fruit() objects instead of the actual Apple() and Mango() objects when it receives a call to get_mixed_flavor(Apple(), Mango()). For example, Tensor arguments are replaced with Tensors of similar shape and dtype, output from a tf.Placeholder op.

More generally, placeholder values are the arguments of a tf.function, as seen from the function's body:

def foo(x):
  # Here `x` is be the placeholder value

foo(x) # Here `x` is the actual value


Breaks down a value of this type into Tensors.

For a TraceType instance, the number of tensors generated for corresponding value should be constant.

value A value belonging to this TraceType

List of Tensors.


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Return self==value.