A DQN Agent.
Inherits From: TFAgent
time_step_spec: tf_agents.trajectories.TimeStep
action_spec: tf_agents.typing.types.NestedTensorSpec
q_network: tf_agents.networks.Network
optimizer: tf_agents.typing.types.Optimizer
observation_and_action_constraint_splitter: Optional[types.Splitter] = None,
epsilon_greedy: Optional[types.FloatOrReturningFloat] = 0.1,
n_step_update: int = 1,
boltzmann_temperature: Optional[types.FloatOrReturningFloat] = None,
emit_log_probability: bool = False,
target_q_network: Optional[tf_agents.networks.Network
] = None,
target_update_tau: tf_agents.typing.types.Float
= 1.0,
target_update_period: int = 1,
td_errors_loss_fn: Optional[tf_agents.typing.types.LossFn
] = None,
gamma: tf_agents.typing.types.Float
= 1.0,
reward_scale_factor: tf_agents.typing.types.Float
= 1.0,
gradient_clipping: Optional[types.Float] = None,
debug_summaries: bool = False,
summarize_grads_and_vars: bool = False,
train_step_counter: Optional[tf.Variable] = None,
training_data_spec: Optional[tf_agents.typing.types.DistributionSpecV2
] = None,
name: Optional[Text] = None
Used in the notebooks
Implements the DQN algorithm from
"Human level control through deep reinforcement learning"
Mnih et al., 2015
This agent also implements n-step updates. See "Rainbow: Combining
Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Hessel et al., 2017, for a
discussion on its benefits: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.02298
Args |
A TimeStep spec of the expected time_steps.
A nest of BoundedTensorSpec representing the actions.
A tf_agents.network.Network to be used by the agent. The
network will be called with call(observation, step_type) and should
emit logits over the action space.
The optimizer to use for training.
A function used to process
observations with action constraints. These constraints can indicate,
for example, a mask of valid/invalid actions for a given state of the
environment. The function takes in a full observation and returns a
tuple consisting of 1) the part of the observation intended as input to
the network and 2) the constraint. An example
observation_and_action_constraint_splitter could be as simple as: def observation_and_action_constraint_splitter(observation): return
observation['network_input'], observation['constraint'] Note: when
using observation_and_action_constraint_splitter , make sure the
provided q_network is compatible with the network-specific half of the
output of the observation_and_action_constraint_splitter . In
particular, observation_and_action_constraint_splitter will be called
on the observation before passing to the network. If
observation_and_action_constraint_splitter is None, action constraints
are not applied.
probability of choosing a random action in the default
epsilon-greedy collect policy (used only if a wrapper is not provided to
the collect_policy method). Only one of epsilon_greedy and
boltzmann_temperature should be provided.
The number of steps to consider when computing TD error and
TD loss. Defaults to single-step updates. Note that this requires the
user to call train on Trajectory objects with a time dimension of
n_step_update + 1 . However, note that we do not yet support
n_step_update > 1 in the case of RNNs (i.e., non-empty
q_network.state_spec ).
Temperature value to use for Boltzmann sampling of
the actions during data collection. The closer to 0.0, the higher the
probability of choosing the best action. Only one of epsilon_greedy and
boltzmann_temperature should be provided.
Whether policies emit log probabilities or not.
(Optional.) A tf_agents.network.Network to be used as
the target network during Q learning. Every target_update_period
train steps, the weights from q_network are copied (possibly with
smoothing via target_update_tau ) to target_q_network . If
target_q_network is not provided, it is created by making a copy of
q_network , which initializes a new network with the same structure and
its own layers and weights. Network copying is performed via the
Network.copy superclass method, and may inadvertently lead to the
resulting network to share weights with the original. This can happen
if, for example, the original network accepted a pre-built Keras layer
in its __init__ , or accepted a Keras layer that wasn't built, but
neglected to create a new copy. In these cases, it is up to you to
provide a target Network having weights that are not shared with the
original q_network . If you provide a target_q_network that shares
any weights with q_network , a warning will be logged but no exception
is thrown. Note; shallow copies of Keras layers may be built via the
code python new_layer =
Factor for soft update of the target networks.
Period for soft update of the target networks.
A function for computing the TD errors loss. If None, a
default value of element_wise_huber_loss is used. This function takes as
input the target and the estimated Q values and returns the loss for
each element of the batch.
A discount factor for future rewards.
Multiplicative scale for the reward.
Norm length to clip gradients.
A bool to gather debug summaries.
If True, gradient and network variable summaries
will be written during training.
An optional counter to increment every time the train
op is run. Defaults to the global_step.
A nest of TensorSpec specifying the structure of data
the train() function expects. If None, defaults to the trajectory_spec
of the collect_policy.
The name of this agent. All variables in this module will fall under
that name. Defaults to the class name.
Raises |
If action_spec contains more than one action or action
spec minimum is not equal to 0.
If the q networks do not emit floating point outputs with
inner shape matching action_spec .
If q_network has non-empty state_spec (i.e., an
RNN is provided) and n_step_update > 1 .
Attributes |
TensorSpec describing the action produced by the agent.
Returns a Trajectory spec, as expected by the collect_policy .
Return a policy that can be used to collect data from the environment.
Return the current policy held by the agent.
Describes the TimeStep tensors expected by the agent.
The number of time steps needed in experience tensors passed to train .
Train requires experience to be a Trajectory containing tensors shaped
[B, T, ...] . This argument describes the value of T required.
For example, for non-RNN DQN training, T=2 because DQN requires single
If this value is None , then train can handle an unknown T (it can be
determined at runtime from the data). Most RNN-based agents fall into
this category.
Returns a trajectory spec, as expected by the train() function.
View source
initialize() -> Optional[tf.Operation]
Initializes the agent.
Returns |
An operation that can be used to initialize the agent.
Raises |
If the class was not initialized properly (super.__init__
was not called).
View source
experience: tf_agents.typing.types.NestedTensor
weights: Optional[types.Tensor] = None,
training: bool = False,
) -> tf_agents.agents.tf_agent.LossInfo
Gets loss from the agent.
If the user calls this from _train, it must be in a tf.GradientTape
in order to apply gradients to trainable variables.
If intermediate gradient steps are needed, _loss and _train will return
different values since _loss only supports updating all gradients at once
after all losses have been calculated.
Args |
A batch of experience data in the form of a Trajectory . The
structure of experience must match that of self.training_data_spec .
All tensors in experience must be shaped [batch, time, ...] where
time must be equal to self.train_step_length if that property is not
None .
(optional). A Tensor , either 0-D or shaped [batch] ,
containing weights to be used when calculating the total train loss.
Weights are typically multiplied elementwise against the per-batch loss,
but the implementation is up to the Agent.
Explicit argument to pass to loss . This typically affects
network computation paths like dropout and batch normalization.
Any additional data as args to loss .
Returns |
A LossInfo loss tuple containing loss and info tensors.
Raises |
If the class was not initialized properly (super.__init__
was not called).
View source
post_process_policy() -> tf_agents.policies.TFPolicy
Post process policies after training.
The policies of some agents require expensive post processing after training
before they can be used. e.g. A Recommender agent might require rebuilding
an index of actions. For such agents, this method will return a post
processed version of the policy. The post processing may either update the
existing policies in place or create a new policy, depnding on the agent.
The default implementation for agents that do not want to override this
method is to return agent.policy.
Returns |
The post processed policy.
View source
experience: tf_agents.typing.types.NestedTensor
) -> tf_agents.typing.types.NestedTensor
Defines preprocess_sequence function to be fed into replay buffers.
This defines how we preprocess the collected data before training.
Defaults to pass through for most agents.
Structure of experience
must match that of self.collect_data_spec
Args |
a Trajectory shaped [batch, time, ...] or [time, ...] which
represents the collected experience data.
Returns |
A post processed Trajectory with the same shape as the input.
View source
experience: tf_agents.typing.types.NestedTensor
weights: Optional[types.Tensor] = None,
) -> tf_agents.agents.tf_agent.LossInfo
Trains the agent.
Args |
A batch of experience data in the form of a Trajectory . The
structure of experience must match that of self.training_data_spec .
All tensors in experience must be shaped [batch, time, ...] where
time must be equal to self.train_step_length if that property is not
None .
(optional). A Tensor , either 0-D or shaped [batch] ,
containing weights to be used when calculating the total train loss.
Weights are typically multiplied elementwise against the per-batch loss,
but the implementation is up to the Agent.
Any additional data to pass to the subclass.
Returns |
A LossInfo loss tuple containing loss and info tensors.
- In eager mode, the loss values are first calculated, then a train step
is performed before they are returned.
- In graph mode, executing any or all of the loss tensors
will first calculate the loss value(s), then perform a train step,
and return the pre-train-step
LossInfo .
Raises |
If the class was not initialized properly (super.__init__
was not called).