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Reading instruction for a dataset.

See the guide:

split_name name of the split to read. Eg: 'train'.
from_ Starting position, or None if no lower boundary.
to Ending position, or None if no upper boundary.
unit optional, one of: '%': to set the slicing unit as percents of the split size. 'abs': to set the slicing unit as absolute numbers. 'shard': to set the slicing unit as shard.
rounding The rounding behaviour to use when percent slicing is used. Ignored when slicing with absolute indices. Possible values: - 'closest' (default): The specified percentages are rounded to the closest value. Use this if you want specified percents to be as much exact as possible. - 'pct1_dropremainder': the specified percentages are treated as multiple of 1%. Use this option if you want consistency. Eg: len(5%) == 5 * len(1%). Using this option, one might not be able to use the full set of examples, if the number of those is not a multiple of 100.



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Creates a ReadInstruction instance out of a string spec.

spec str

split(s) + optional slice(s) to read. A slice can be specified, using absolute numbers (int) or percentages (int). E.g. test: test split. test + validation: test split + validation split. test[10:]: test split, minus its first 10 records. test[:10%]: first 10% records of test split. test[:-5%]+train[40%:60%]: first 95% of test + middle 20% of train.

The split instance.


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Translate instruction into a list of absolute instructions.

Those absolute instructions are then to be added together.

split_infos tfds.core.SplitDict dict associating split names to split info.

list of _AbsoluteInstruction instances (corresponds to the + in spec).


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Sum of 2 splits.


from<a id="from"> None
rounding 'closest'
to None
unit 'abs'