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Visualizer for graph prediction datasets.

Inherits From: Visualizer



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Checks whether this dataset can be visualized with this visualizer.

See base class for more information. Args: ds_info: Metadata for the dataset.

boolean value indicating whether the current visualizer can be used.


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Display the dataset.

ds The object to visualize. Examples should not be batched. Examples will be consumed in order until (rows * cols) are read or the dataset is consumed.
ds_info tfds.core.DatasetInfo object of the dataset to visualize.
node_label_fn A callable that maps individual graph examples to a dictionary of node labels, rendered within the nodes.
node_color_fn A callable that maps individual graph examples to a dictionary of node colors.
edge_color_fn A callable that maps individual graph examples to a dictionary of edge colors.
rows int, number of rows of the display grid.
cols int, number of columns of the display grid.
plot_scale float, controls the plot size of the images. Keep this value around 5 to get a good plot. High and low values may cause the labels to get overlapped.
**kwargs Additional arguments passed to networkx.draw_networkx().

fig The pyplot figure.