
A representation of a fully constructed and serialized computation.

Inherits From: ComputationBuildingBlock, TypedObject

A compiled computation is one that has not been parsed into constituents, and is simply represented as an embedded Computation protocol buffer. Whereas technically, any computation can be represented and passed around this way, this structure is generally only used to represent TensorFlow sections, for which otherwise there isn't any dedicated structure.

proto An instance of pb.Computation with the computation logic.
name An optional string name to associate with this computation, used only for debugging purposes. If the name is not specified (None), it is autogenerated as a hexadecimal string from the hash of the proto.
type_signature An optional type signature to associate with this computation rather than the serialized one.

TypeError if the arguments are of the wrong types.


proto Returns a serialized form of this object as a pb.Computation instance.
type_signature Returns the TFF type of this object (an instance of tff.Type).



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Returns an iterator yielding immediate child building blocks.


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Returns the compact string representation of this building block.


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Returns the formatted string representation of this building block.


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Returns an instance of a derived class based on 'computation_proto'.

computation_proto An instance of pb.Computation.

An instance of a class that implements 'ComputationBuildingBlock' and that contains the deserialized logic from in 'computation_proto'.

NotImplementedError if computation_proto contains a kind of computation for which deserialization has not been implemented yet.
ValueError if deserialization failed due to the argument being invalid.


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Returns the structural string representation of this building block.