
Builds a learning process for FedAvg with client optimizer scheduling.

The primary purpose of this implementation of FedAvg is that it allows for the client optimizer to be scheduled across rounds. Notably, the local optimizaiton step uses a constant learning rate within a round, which is scheduled across rounds of federated training. The process keeps track of how many iterations of .next have occurred (starting at 0), and for each such round_num, the clients will use client_optimizer_fn(round_num) to perform local optimization. This allows learning rate scheduling (eg. starting with a large learning rate and decaying it over time) as well as a small learning rate (eg. switching optimizers as learning progresses).

This function creates a LearningProcess that performs federated averaging on client models. The iterative process has the following methods inherited from LearningProcess:

  • initialize: A tff.Computation with the functional type signature ( -> S@SERVER), where S is a LearningAlgorithmState representing the initial state of the server.
  • next: A tff.Computation with the functional type signature (<S@SERVER, {B*}@CLIENTS> -> <L@SERVER>) where S is a tff.learning.templates.LearningAlgorithmState whose type matches the output of initialize and {B*}@CLIENTS represents the client datasets. The output L contains the updated server state, as well as aggregated metrics at the server, including client training metrics and any other metrics from distribution and aggregation processes.
  • get_model_weights: A tff.Computation with type signature (S -> M), where S is a tff.learning.templates.LearningAlgorithmState whose type matches the output of initialize and next, and M represents the type of the model weights used during training.
  • set_model_weights: A tff.Computation with type signature (<S, M> -> S), where S is a tff.learning.templates.LearningAlgorithmState whose type matches the output of initialize and M represents the type of the model weights used during training.

Each time the next method is called, the server model is broadcast to each client using a broadcast function. For each client, local training is performed using client_optimizer_fn. Each client computes the difference between the client model after training and the initial broadcast model. These model deltas are then aggregated at the server using a weighted aggregation function. Clients weighted by the number of examples they see thoughout local training. The aggregate model delta is applied at the server using a server optimizer.

model_fn Either a no-arg function that returns a tff.learning.models.VariableModel, or an instance of tff.learning.FunctionalModel. The no-arg function must not capture TensorFlow tensors or variables and use them. The model must be constructed entirely from scratch on each invocation, returning the same pre-constructed model instance each call will result in an error.
client_learning_rate_fn A callable accepting an integer round number and returning a float to be used as a learning rate for the optimizer. The client work will call optimizer_fn(learning_rate_fn(round_num)) where round_num is the integer round number. Note that the round numbers supplied will start at 0 and increment by one each time .next is called on the resulting process. Also note that this function must be serializable by TFF.
client_optimizer_fn A callable accepting a float learning rate, and returning a tff.learning.optimizers.Optimizer. </td> </tr><tr> <td>server_optimizer_fn<a id="server_optimizer_fn"></a> </td> <td> A <a href="../../../tff/learning/optimizers/Optimizer"><code>tff.learning.optimizers.Optimizer</code></a>. By default, this uses <a href="../../../tff/learning/optimizers/build_sgdm"><code>tff.learning.optimizers.build_sgdm</code></a> with a learning rate of 1.0. </td> </tr><tr> <td>model_distributor<a id="model_distributor"></a> </td> <td> An optionalDistributionProcessthat distributes the model weights on the server to the clients. If set toNone, the distributor is constructed viadistributors.build_broadcast_process. </td> </tr><tr> <td>model_aggregator<a id="model_aggregator"></a> </td> <td> An optional <a href="../../../tff/aggregators/WeightedAggregationFactory"><code>tff.aggregators.WeightedAggregationFactory</code></a> used to aggregate client updates on the server. IfNone, this is set to <a href="../../../tff/aggregators/MeanFactory"><code>tff.aggregators.MeanFactory</code></a>. </td> </tr><tr> <td>metrics_aggregator<a id="metrics_aggregator"></a> </td> <td> A function that takes in the metric finalizers (i.e., <a href="../../../tff/learning/models/VariableModel#metric_finalizers"><code>tff.learning.models.VariableModel.metric_finalizers()</code></a>) and a <a href="../../../tff/types/StructWithPythonType"><code>tff.types.StructWithPythonType</code></a> of the unfinalized metrics (i.e., the TFF type of <a href="../../../tff/learning/models/VariableModel#report_local_unfinalized_metrics"><code>tff.learning.models.VariableModel.report_local_unfinalized_metrics()</code></a>), and returns a <a href="../../../tff/Computation"><code>tff.Computation</code></a> for aggregating the unfinalized metrics. IfNone, this is set to <a href="../../../tff/learning/metrics/sum_then_finalize"><code>tff.learning.metrics.sum_then_finalize</code></a>. </td> </tr><tr> <td>loop_implementation` Changes the implementation of the training loop generated. See tff.learning.LoopImplementation for more details.

A LearningProcess.