tensorflow:: serving:: CachingManager:: LoaderFactory
This is an abstract class.
#include <caching_manager.h>
An abstraction for a loader-factory to map from a servable request to the corresponding loader.
Direct Known Subclasses:tensorflow::serving::PathPrefixLoaderFactory
Constructors and Destructors |
Public functions |
CreateLoader(const ServableId & servable_id)=0
virtual ServableData< std::unique_ptr< Loader > >
Creates servable data consisting of the loader corresponding to the servable-id.
GetServableVersion(const string & servable_name, ServableRequest::AutoVersionPolicy policy) const =0
virtual int64_t
Returns a version corresponding to the servable name, for the given policy.
Public functions
virtual ServableData< std::unique_ptr< Loader > > CreateLoader( const ServableId & servable_id )=0
Creates servable data consisting of the loader corresponding to the servable-id.
Any errors can be reported by embedding them in the returned ServableData item.
virtual int64_t GetServableVersion( const string & servable_name, ServableRequest::AutoVersionPolicy policy ) const =0
Returns a version corresponding to the servable name, for the given policy.
virtual ~LoaderFactory()=default