
Abstract basic class of all TFXIO API implementations.



Returns the schema of the RecordBatch produced by self.BeamSource().

May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.


Returns a beam PTransform that produces PCollection[pa.RecordBatch].

May NOT raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.

If a TFMD schema was provided at construction time, all the pa.RecordBatches in the result PCollection must be of the same schema returned by self.ArrowSchema. If a TFMD schema was not provided, the pa.RecordBatches might not be of the same schema (they may contain different numbers of columns).

batch_size if not None, the pa.RecordBatch produced will be of the specified size. Otherwise it's automatically tuned by Beam.


Projects the dataset represented by this TFXIO.

A Projected TFXIO:

  • Only columns needed for given tensor_names are guaranteed to be produced by self.BeamSource()
  • self.TensorAdapterConfig() and self.TensorFlowDataset() are trimmed to contain only those tensors.
  • It retains a reference to the very original TFXIO, so its TensorAdapter knows about the specs of the tensors that would be produced by the original TensorAdapter. Also see TensorAdapter.OriginalTensorSpec().

May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.

tensor_names a set of tensor names.

A TFXIO instance that is the same as self except that:

  • Only columns needed for given tensor_names are guaranteed to be produced by self.BeamSource()
  • self.TensorAdapterConfig() and self.TensorFlowDataset() are trimmed to contain only those tensors.


Returns an iterable of record batches.

This can be used outside of Apache Beam or TensorFlow to access data.

options An options object for iterating over record batches. Look at dataset_options.RecordBatchesOptions for more details.


Returns a TensorAdapter that converts pa.RecordBatch to TF inputs.

May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.


Returns the config to initialize a TensorAdapter.

a TensorAdapterConfig that is the same as what is used to initialize the TensorAdapter returned by self.TensorAdapter().


Returns a of TF inputs.

May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.

options an options object for the Look at dataset_options.TensorFlowDatasetOptions for more details.


Returns the TensorRepresentations.

These TensorRepresentations describe the tensors or composite tensors produced by the TensorAdapter created from self.TensorAdapter() or the created from self.TensorFlowDataset().

May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time. May raise an error if the tensor representations are invalid.