
interface pública TensorDescriptionOrBuilder
Subclasses indiretas conhecidas

Métodos Públicos

alocação abstrataDescrição
getAllocationDescription ()
 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;
AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder abstrato
getAllocationDescriptionOrBuilder ()
 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;
tipo de dados abstrato
getDtype ()
 Data type of tensor elements
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
abstrato int
getDtypeValue ()
 Data type of tensor elements
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
abstrato TensorShapeProto
obterForma ()
 Shape of the tensor.
TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder abstrato
getShapeOrBuilder ()
 Shape of the tensor.
booleano abstrato
hasAllocationDescription ()
 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;
booleano abstrato
temForma ()
 Shape of the tensor.

Métodos Públicos

público abstrato AllocationDescription getAllocationDescription ()

 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;

público abstrato AllocationDescriptionOrBuilder getAllocationDescriptionOrBuilder ()

 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;

tipo de dados abstrato público getDtype ()

 Data type of tensor elements
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

público abstrato int getDtypeValue ()

 Data type of tensor elements
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

público abstrato TensorShapeProto getShape ()

 Shape of the tensor.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

público abstrato TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getShapeOrBuilder ()

 Shape of the tensor.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

público abstrato booleano hasAllocationDescription ()

 Information about the size and allocator used for the data
.tensorflow.AllocationDescription allocation_description = 4;

hasShape booleano abstrato público ()

 Shape of the tensor.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;