

 Data relating to the eager execution of an op or a Graph.
 For a op that generates N output tensors (N >= 0), only one
 Execution proto will be used to describe the execution event.
Protobuf 型tensorflow.Execution


addAllInputTensorIds (Iterable<? extends Long> 値)
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
addAllOutputTensorDeviceIds (Iterable<? extends Integer> 値)
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
addAllOutputTensorIds (Iterable<? extends Long> 値)
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
addAllTensorProtos (Iterable<? extends TensorProto > 値)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addInputTensorIds (長い値)
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
addOutputTensorDeviceIds (int 値)
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
addOutputTensorIds (長い値)
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値)
addTensorProtos ( TensorProto値)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addTensorProtos ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto値)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addTensorProtosBuilder ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
addTensorProtosBuilder (int インデックス)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
clearField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド)
クリアグラフID ()
 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
clearInputTensorIds ()
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
clearNumOutputs ()
 Number of output tensors.
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
ClearOpType ()
 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
clearOutputTensorDeviceIds ()
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
clearOutputTensorIds ()
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
clearTensorDebugMode ()
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
クリアTensorProtos ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
getCodeLocation ()
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
getCodeLocationBuilder ()
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
getCodeLocationOrBuilder ()
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
最終的な静的 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getGraphId ()
 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
getGraphIdBytes ()
 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
getInputTensorIds (int インデックス)
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
getInputTensorIdsCount ()
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
getInputTensorIdsList ()
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
getNumOutputs ()
 Number of output tensors.
getOpType ()
 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
getOpTypeBytes ()
 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
getOutputTensorDeviceIds (int インデックス)
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
getOutputTensorDeviceIdsCount ()
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
getOutputTensorDeviceIdsList ()
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
getOutputTensorIds (int インデックス)
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
getOutputTensorIdsCount ()
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
getOutputTensorIdsList ()
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
getTensorDebugMode ()
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
getTensorDebugModeValue ()
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
getTensorProtos (int インデックス)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
getTensorProtosBuilder (int インデックス)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
リスト< TensorProto.Builder >
getTensorProtosBuilderList ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
getTensorProtosCount ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
リスト< TensorProto >
getTensorProtosList ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
getTensorProtosOrBuilder (int インデックス)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
リスト<? TensorProtoOrBuilderを拡張する >
getTensorProtosOrBuilderList ()
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
hasCodeLocation ()
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
mergeCodeLocation ( CodeLocation値)
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 入力、com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet 不明フィールド)
RemoveTensorProtos (int インデックス)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation値)
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue)
 Stack trace of the eager execution.
setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値)
setGraphId (文字列値)
 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
setGraphIdBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値)
 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
setInputTensorIds (int インデックス、long 値)
 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
setNumOutputs (int 値)
 Number of output tensors.
setOpType (文字列値)
 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
setOpTypeBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値)
 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
setOutputTensorDeviceIds (int インデックス、int 値)
 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
setOutputTensorIds (int インデックス、long 値)
 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、int インデックス、オブジェクト値)
setTensorDebugMode ( TensorDebugMode値)
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
setTensorDebugModeValue (int 値)
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
setTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto値)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
setTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)



public Execution.Builder addAllInputTensorIds (Iterable<? extends Long> 値)

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public Execution.Builder addAllOutputTensorDeviceIds (Iterable<? extends Integer> 値)

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public Execution.Builder addAllOutputTensorIds (Iterable<? extends Long> 値)

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public Execution.Builder addAllTensorProtos (Iterable<? extends TensorProto > 値)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder addInputTensorIds (長い値)

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public Execution.Builder addOutputTensorDeviceIds (int 値)

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public Execution.Builder addOutputTensorIds (長い値)

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public Execution.Builder addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値)

public Execution.Builder addTensorProtos ( TensorProto値)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder addTensorProtos ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder addTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto値)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder addTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public TensorProto.Builder addTensorProtosBuilder ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public TensorProto.Builder addTensorProtosBuilder (int インデックス)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;


パブリック実行buildPartial ()

public Execution.Builderクリア()

public Execution.Builder clearCodeLocation ()

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public Execution.Builder clearField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド)

public Execution.Builder clearGraphId ()

 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 3;

public Execution.Builder clearInputTensorIds ()

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public Execution.Builder clearNumOutputs ()

 Number of output tensors.
int32 num_outputs = 2;

public Execution.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public Execution.Builder clearOpType ()

 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
 In the case of a Graph, this is the name of the Graph.
string op_type = 1;

public Execution.Builder clearOutputTensorDeviceIds ()

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public Execution.Builder clearOutputTensorIds ()

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public Execution.Builder clearTensorDebugMode ()

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 6;

public Execution.Builder clearTensorProtos ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;


public CodeLocation getCodeLocation ()

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public CodeLocation.Builder getCodeLocationBuilder ()

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public CodeLocationOrBuilder getCodeLocationOrBuilder ()

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

パブリック実行getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static Final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

パブリック String getGraphId ()

 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 3;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getGraphIdBytes ()

 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 3;

public long getInputTensorIds (int インデックス)

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public int getInputTensorIdsCount ()

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public List<Long> getInputTensorIdsList ()

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public int getNumOutputs ()

 Number of output tensors.
int32 num_outputs = 2;

パブリック String getOpType ()

 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
 In the case of a Graph, this is the name of the Graph.
string op_type = 1;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getOpTypeBytes ()

 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
 In the case of a Graph, this is the name of the Graph.
string op_type = 1;

public int getOutputTensorDeviceIds (int インデックス)

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public int getOutputTensorDeviceIdsCount ()

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public List<Integer> getOutputTensorDeviceIdsList ()

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public long getOutputTensorIds (int インデックス)

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public int getOutputTensorIdsCount ()

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public List<Long> getOutputTensorIdsList ()

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public TensorDebugMode getTensorDebugMode ()

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 6;

public int getTensorDebugModeValue ()

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 6;

public TensorProto getTensorProtos (int インデックス)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public TensorProto.Builder getTensorProtosBuilder (int インデックス)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public List< TensorProto.Builder > getTensorProtosBuilderList ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public int getTensorProtosCount ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public List< TensorProto > getTensorProtosList ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorProtosOrBuilder (int インデックス)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

公開リスト<? extends TensorProtoOrBuilder > getTensorProtosOrBuilderList ()

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public boolean hasCodeLocation ()

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

パブリック最終ブール値isInitialized ()

public Execution.Builder mergeCodeLocation ( CodeLocation値)

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public Execution.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)

public Execution.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 入力、com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)


public Final Execution.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)

public Execution.Builder deleteTensorProtos (int インデックス)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation値)

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public Execution.Builder setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue)

 Stack trace of the eager execution.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

public Execution.Builder setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値)

public Execution.Builder setGraphId (文字列値)

 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 3;

public Execution.Builder setGraphIdBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値)

 The graph that's executed: applicable only to the eager
 execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 3;

public Execution.Builder setInputTensorIds (int インデックス、long 値)

 IDs of the input tensors (if available).
repeated int64 input_tensor_ids = 4;

public Execution.Builder setNumOutputs (int 値)

 Number of output tensors.
int32 num_outputs = 2;

public Execution.Builder setOpType (文字列値)

 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
 In the case of a Graph, this is the name of the Graph.
string op_type = 1;

public Execution.Builder setOpTypeBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値)

 Op type (e.g., "MatMul").
 In the case of a Graph, this is the name of the Graph.
string op_type = 1;

public Execution.Builder setOutputTensorDeviceIds (int インデックス、int 値)

 Debugged-generated IDs of the devices on which the output tensors reside.
 To look up details about the device (e.g., name), cross-reference this
 field with the DebuggedDevice messages.
repeated int32 output_tensor_device_ids = 9;

public Execution.Builder setOutputTensorIds (int インデックス、long 値)

 IDs of the output tensors (if availbable).
 If specified, must have the same length as tensor_protos.
repeated int64 output_tensor_ids = 5;

public Execution.Builder setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、int インデックス、オブジェクト値)

public Execution.Builder setTensorDebugMode ( TensorDebugMode値)

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 6;

public Execution.Builder setTensorDebugModeValue (int 値)

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 6;

public Execution.Builder setTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto値)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Execution.Builder setTensorProtos (int インデックス、 TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Output Tensor values in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 The length of this should match `num_outputs`.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_protos = 7;

public Final Execution.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)