
interfaz pública JobDeviceFiltersOrBuilder
Subclases indirectas conocidas

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto
containsTasks (clave int)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
cadena abstracta
getName ()
 The name of this job.
getNameBytes ()
 The name of this job.
Mapa abstracto <Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasks ()
Utilice getTasksMap() lugar.
int abstracto
getTasksCount ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
Mapa abstracto <Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasksMap ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
Resumen TaskDeviceFilters
getTasksOrDefault (clave int, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue )
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
Resumen TaskDeviceFilters
getTasksOrThrow (clave int)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.

Métodos públicos

public abstract boolean containsTasks (clave int)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

público abstracto String getName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

resumen público getNameBytes ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

Mapa abstracto público <Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasks ()

Utilice getTasksMap() lugar.

public abstract int getTasksCount ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

Mapa abstracto público <Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasksMap ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

public abstract TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrDefault (clave int, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue )

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

Resumen público TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrThrow (clave int)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;