
interfaz pública CondContextDefOrBuilder
Subclases indirectas conocidas

Métodos públicos

resumen entero
obtener rama ()
 Branch prediction.
cadena abstracta
getContextName ()
 Name of the context.
getContextNameBytes ()
 Name of the context.
resumen ControlFlowContextDef
getNestedContexts (índice int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
resumen entero
getNestedContextsCount ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
Lista abstracta <ControlFlowContextDef>
obtener Lista de contextos anidados ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
control abstractoFlowContextDefOrBuilder
getNestedContextsOrBuilder (índice int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
Lista abstracta<? extiende ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder >
getNestedContextsOrBuilderList ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
cadena abstracta
getPivotName ()
 Name of the pivot tensor.
getPivotNameBytes ()
 Name of the pivot tensor.
cadena abstracta
getPredNombre ()
 Name of the pred tensor.
getPredNameBytes ()
 Name of the pred tensor.
Valores abstractosDef
obtenerValoresDef ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
Valores abstractosDefOrBuilder
getValuesDefOrBuilder ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
booleano abstracto
tieneValuesDef ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.

Métodos públicos

resumen público int getBranch ()

 Branch prediction. 0 or 1.
int32 branch = 4;

Cadena abstracta pública getContextName ()

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

resumen público getContextNameBytes ()

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

resumen público ControlFlowContextDef getNestedContexts (índice int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6;

resumen público int getNestedContextsCount ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6;

Lista abstracta pública <ControlFlowContextDef> getNestedContextsList ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6;

resumen público ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder getNestedContextsOrBuilder (índice int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6;

Lista de resúmenes públicos <? extiende ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder > getNestedContextsOrBuilderList ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6;

Cadena abstracta pública getPivotName ()

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 3;

resumen público getPivotNameBytes ()

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 3;

Cadena abstracta pública getPredName ()

 Name of the pred tensor.
string pred_name = 2;

resumen público getPredNameBytes ()

 Name of the pred tensor.
string pred_name = 2;

ValoresDef abstractos públicos getValuesDef ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 5;

valores abstractos públicosDefOrBuilder getValuesDefOrBuilder ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 5;

hasValuesDef booleano abstracto público ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 5;