
interface statique publique TensorShapeProto.DimOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues

Méthodes publiques

chaîne abstraite
obtenirNom ()
 Optional name of the tensor dimension.
résumé com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getNameBytes ()
 Optional name of the tensor dimension.
abstrait long
obtenirTaille ()
 Size of the tensor in that dimension.

Méthodes publiques

chaîne abstraite publique getName ()

nom de chaîne

 Optional name of the tensor dimension.
string name = 2;

résumé public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

nom de chaîne

 Optional name of the tensor dimension.
string name = 2;

public abstrait long getSize ()

 Size of the tensor in that dimension.
 This value must be >= -1, but values of -1 are reserved for "unknown"
 shapes (values of -1 mean "unknown" dimension).  Certain wrappers
 that work with TensorShapeProto may fail at runtime when deserializing
 a TensorShapeProto containing a dim value of -1.
int64 size = 1;