
interfaz pública BenchmarkEntryOrBuilder
Subclases indirectas conocidas

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto
contieneExtras (clave de cadena)
 Generic map from result key to value.
doble abstracto
obtenerTiempoCpu ()
 Total cpu time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double cpu_time = 3;
Mapa abstracto<Cadena, Valor de entrada >
obtenerExtras ()
Utilice getExtrasMap() en su lugar.
resumen entero
obtenerConteoExtras ()
 Generic map from result key to value.
Mapa abstracto<Cadena, Valor de entrada >
obtenerMapaExtras ()
 Generic map from result key to value.
valor de entrada abstracto
getExtrasOrDefault (clave de cadena, EntryValue valor predeterminado)
 Generic map from result key to value.
valor de entrada abstracto
getExtrasOrThrow (clave de cadena)
 Generic map from result key to value.
abstracto largo
getIters ()
 If a benchmark, how many iterations it was run for
int64 iters = 2;
entrada de métrica abstracta
getMetrics (índice int)
 Metric name, value and expected range.
resumen entero
getMetricsCount ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
Lista abstracta < Entradamétrica >
getLista de métricas ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
MetricEntryOrBuilder abstracto
getMetricsOrBuilder (índice int)
 Metric name, value and expected range.
Lista abstracta<? extiende MetricEntryOrBuilder >
getMetricsOrBuilderList ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
cadena abstracta
obtenerNombre ()
 The name of the specific benchmark or test
getNombreBytes ()
 The name of the specific benchmark or test
doble abstracto
obtener rendimiento ()
 Throughput (in MB/s)
double throughput = 5;
doble abstracto
obtenerWallTime ()
 Total wall time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double wall_time = 4;

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto público contieneExtras (clave de cadena)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

getCpuTime doble abstracto público ()

 Total cpu time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double cpu_time = 3;

Mapa abstracto público<Cadena, Valor de entrada > getExtras ()

Utilice getExtrasMap() en su lugar.

resumen público int getExtrasCount ()

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

Mapa abstracto público<Cadena, Valor de entrada > getExtrasMap ()

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstract EntryValue getExtrasOrDefault (clave de cadena, EntryValue defaultValue)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

resumen público EntryValue getExtrasOrThrow (clave de cadena)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

getIters largos abstractos públicos ()

 If a benchmark, how many iterations it was run for
int64 iters = 2;

resumen público MetricEntry getMetrics (índice int)

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

resumen público int getMetricsCount ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

Lista de resumen público <MetricEntry> getMetricsList ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

resumen público MetricEntryOrBuilder getMetricsOrBuilder (índice int)

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

Lista de resúmenes públicos <? extiende MetricEntryOrBuilder > getMetricsOrBuilderList ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

Cadena abstracta pública getName ()

 The name of the specific benchmark or test
 (e.g. BM_AdjustContrast_gpu_B_W_H)
string name = 1;

resumen público getNameBytes ()

 The name of the specific benchmark or test
 (e.g. BM_AdjustContrast_gpu_B_W_H)
string name = 1;

getThroughput doble abstracto público ()

 Throughput (in MB/s)
double throughput = 5;

getWallTime doble abstracto público ()

 Total wall time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double wall_time = 4;