
interface pública ValuesDefOrBuilder
Subclasses indiretas conhecidas

Métodos Públicos

booleano abstrato
containsExternalValues (chave String)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
Mapa abstrato <String, String>
int abstrato
getExternalValuesCount ()
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
Mapa abstrato <String, String>
getExternalValuesMap ()
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
String abstrata
getExternalValuesOrDefault (String key, String defaultValue)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
String abstrata
getExternalValuesOrThrow (String key)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
String abstrata
getValues (índice interno )
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
getValuesBytes (índice interno )
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
int abstrato
getValuesCount ()
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
Lista abstrata <String>
getValuesList ()
 Value names that have been seen in this context.

Métodos Públicos

public abstract boolean containsExternalValues (String key)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public abstract Map <String, String> getExternalValues ()

public abstract int getExternalValuesCount ()

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public abstract Map <String, String> getExternalValuesMap ()

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public abstract String getExternalValuesOrDefault (String key, String defaultValue)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public abstract String getExternalValuesOrThrow (String key)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public abstract String getValues (int index)

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

public abstract getValuesBytes (int index)

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

public abstract int getValuesCount ()

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

public abstract List <String> getValuesList ()

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;