
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder

 This stores the metadata information present in each snapshot record.
Typ protobufa

Metody publiczne

Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
addAllDtype (Iterable<? rozszerza DataType > wartości)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
addAllDtypeValue (wartości Iterable<Integer>)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
addDtype (wartość typu danych )
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
addDtypeValue (wartość int)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Rekord SnapshotMetadataRecord
Rekord SnapshotMetadataRecord
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
jasne ()
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
clearCreationTimestamp ()
 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
wyczyść typ ()
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
clearField (pole
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
jasneSfinalizowane ()
bool finalized = 1000;
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
clearGraphHash ()
 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
wyczyśćNumElementy ()
 The number of elements in the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
clearOneof ( oneof)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
wyczyśćRunId ()
 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
wyczyść wersję ()
 Version of the snapshot data file format.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
klon ()
getCreationTimestamp ()
 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
Rekord SnapshotMetadataRecord
końcowy statyczny
Typ danych
getDtype (indeks int)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
getDtypeCount ()
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Lista< Typ danych >
getDtypeList ()
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
getDtypeValue (indeks int)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Lista<liczba całkowita>
getDtypeValueList ()
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
wartość logiczna
getFinalized ()
bool finalized = 1000;
getGraphHash ()
 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
getGraphHashBytes ()
 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
getNumElements ()
 The number of elements in the snapshot.
getRunId ()
 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
getRunIdBytes ()
 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
pobierz wersję ()
 Version of the snapshot data file format.
końcowa wartość logiczna
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
mergeFrom (ść inna)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)
końcowy SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setCreationTimestamp (długa wartość)
 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setDtype (indeks int, wartość DataType )
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setDtypeValue (int indeks, int wartość)
 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setFinalized (wartość logiczna)
bool finalized = 1000;
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setGraphHash (wartość ciągu)
 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setGraphHashBytes (wartość
 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setNumElements (długa wartość)
 The number of elements in the snapshot.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setRunId (wartość ciągu)
 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setRunIdBytes (wartość
 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
końcowy SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder
setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)
Konstruktor SnapshotMetadataRecord
setVersion (długa wartość)
 Version of the snapshot data file format.

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder addAllDtype (Iterable<? rozszerza DataType > wartości)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczne SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder addAllDtypeValue (wartości Iterable<Integer>)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder addDtype (wartość DataType )

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder addDtypeValue (wartość int)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

public SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)

publiczna kompilacja SnapshotMetadataRecord ()

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord buildPartial ()

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder wyczyść ()

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearCreationTimestamp ()

 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
int64 creation_timestamp = 3;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearDtype ()

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczne SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearField (pole

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearFinalized ()

bool finalized = 1000;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearGraphHash ()

 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
string graph_hash = 1;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearNumElements ()

 The number of elements in the snapshot.
int64 num_elements = 6;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearRunId ()

 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
string run_id = 2;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder clearVersion ()

 Version of the snapshot data file format.
int64 version = 4;

publiczny klon SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder ()

publiczny długi getCreationTimestamp ()

 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
int64 creation_timestamp = 3;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

public DataType getDtype (indeks int)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczny int getDtypeCount ()

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

public List< DataType > getDtypeList ()

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

public int getDtypeValue (indeks int)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

public List<Integer> getDtypeValueList ()

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczna wartość logiczna getFinalized ()

bool finalized = 1000;

publiczny ciąg getGraphHash ()

 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
string graph_hash = 1;

publiczny getGraphHashBytes ()

 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
string graph_hash = 1;

publiczny długi getNumElements ()

 The number of elements in the snapshot.
int64 num_elements = 6;

publiczny ciąg getRunId ()

 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
string run_id = 2;

public getRunIdBytes ()

 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
string run_id = 2;

publiczna długa wersja getVersion ()

 Version of the snapshot data file format.
int64 version = 4;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

publiczne SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder mergeFrom (wejście, rozszerzenieRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

publiczny końcowy SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setCreationTimestamp (długa wartość)

 Time when we started creating this snapshot.
int64 creation_timestamp = 3;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setDtype (indeks int, wartość DataType )

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setDtypeValue (indeks int, wartość int)

 A list of tensor dtype corresponding to each element of the snapshot.
repeated .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

publiczne SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)

public SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setFinalized (wartość logiczna)

bool finalized = 1000;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setGraphHash (wartość ciągu)

 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
string graph_hash = 1;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setGraphHashBytes (wartość

 Stores the fingerprint of the graph that describes the dataset that is
string graph_hash = 1;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setNumElements (długa wartość)

 The number of elements in the snapshot.
int64 num_elements = 6;

public SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setRunId (wartość ciągu)

 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
string run_id = 2;

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setRunIdBytes (wartość

 Run ID that this snapshot corresponds to.
string run_id = 2;

publiczny finał SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setUnknownFields (

publiczny SnapshotMetadataRecord.Builder setVersion (długa wartość)

 Version of the snapshot data file format.
int64 version = 4;