
interfaccia statica pubblica KernelDef.AttrConstraintOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

valore attributo astratto
getValoriConsentiti ()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
astratto AttrValueOrBuilder
getAllowedValuesOrBuilder ()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
stringa astratta
getNome ()
 Name of an attr from the Op.
getNomeBytes ()
 Name of an attr from the Op.
booleano astratto
hasAllowedValues ​​()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.

Metodi pubblici

estratto pubblico AttrValue getAllowedValues ​​()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;

abstract pubblico AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder ()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;

stringa astratta pubblica getName ()

 Name of an attr from the Op.
string name = 1;

estratto pubblico getNameBytes ()

 Name of an attr from the Op.
string name = 1;

public abstract booleano hasAllowedValues ​​()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;