
interfejs publiczny TensorConnectionOrBuilder
Znane podklasy pośrednie

Metody publiczne

abstrakcyjny ciąg
pobierz zTensora ()
 A tensor name.
streszczenie com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getFromTensorBytes ()
 A tensor name.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
getToTensor ()
 A tensor name.
streszczenie com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getToTensorBytes ()
 A tensor name.

Metody publiczne

publiczny streszczenie String getFromTensor ()

 A tensor name. The value of this tensor will be substituted for
 the tensor named in `to_tensor`.
string from_tensor = 1;

publiczne streszczenie com.google.protobuf.ByteString getFromTensorBytes ()

 A tensor name. The value of this tensor will be substituted for
 the tensor named in `to_tensor`.
string from_tensor = 1;

publiczny streszczenie String getToTensor ()

 A tensor name. The value of this tensor will be bound to the
 value of the tensor named in `from_tensor`.
string to_tensor = 2;

publiczne streszczenie com.google.protobuf.ByteString getToTensorBytes ()

 A tensor name. The value of this tensor will be bound to the
 value of the tensor named in `from_tensor`.
string to_tensor = 2;