
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa TensorSliceProto.Builder

 Can only be interpreted if you know the corresponding TensorShape.
Protobuf typu tensorflow.TensorSliceProto

Metody publiczne

addAllExtent (Iterable<? rozszerza TensorSliceProto.Extent > wartości)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtent ( TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtent (indeks int, TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtent (wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtent (indeks int, wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtentBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addExtentBuilder (indeks int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
jasne ()
wyczyśćZakres ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
klon ()
końcowy statyczny com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getExtent (indeks int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
getExtentBuilder (indeks int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
Lista< TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder >
getExtentBuilderList ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
getExtentCount ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
Lista< TensorSliceProto.Extent >
getExtentList ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
getExtentOrBuilder (indeks int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
Lista<? rozszerza TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder >
getExtentOrBuilderList ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
końcowa wartość logiczna
mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Wiadomość inna)
końcowy TensorSliceProto.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)
usuńExtent (indeks int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
setExtent (indeks int, wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
setExtent (indeks int, TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
końcowy TensorSliceProto.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addAllExtent (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości TensorSliceProto.Extent >)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addExtent ( TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addExtent (int indeks, TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addExtent (wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addExtent (indeks int, wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder addExtentBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder addExtentBuilder (indeks int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

publiczna kompilacja TensorSliceProto ()

publiczny TensorSliceProto buildPartial ()

public TensorSliceProto.Builder wyczyść ()

public TensorSliceProto.Builder clearExtent ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

publiczny TensorSliceProto.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

publiczny klon TensorSliceProto.Builder ()

publiczny TensorSliceProto getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

public TensorSliceProto.Extent getExtent (indeks int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder getExtentBuilder (indeks int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public List< TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder > getExtentBuilderList ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

publiczny int getExtentCount ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public List< TensorSliceProto.Extent > getExtentList ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder getExtentOrBuilder (indeks int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

lista publiczna<? rozszerza TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder > getExtentOrBuilderList ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

publiczny TensorSliceProto.Builder mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite rozszerzenieRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

public TensorSliceProto.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)

publiczna wersja końcowa TensorSliceProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public TensorSliceProto.Builder usuńExtent (indeks int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder setExtent (indeks int, wartość TensorSliceProto.Extent )

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder setExtent (indeks int, TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder builderForValue)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

public TensorSliceProto.Builder setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public TensorSliceProto.Builder setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

publiczny finał TensorSliceProto.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)