
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa XEvent.Builder

 An XEvent is a trace event, optionally annotated with XStats.
 Next ID: 6
Protobuf typu tensorflow.profiler.XEvent

Metody publiczne

addAllStats (Iterable<? rozszerza XStat > wartości)
 XStats associated with the event.
addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
addStats (wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStatsBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStatsBuilder ()
 XStats associated with the event.
jasne ()
wyczyśćDurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
clearMetadataId ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
wyczyśćNumWystąpień ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
wyczyśćPrzesunięciePs ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
jasneStatystyki ()
 XStats associated with the event.
klon ()
końcowy statyczny com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getDurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
getMetadataId ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
getNumOccurrences ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
getOffsetPs ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
getStats (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista< XStat.Builder >
getStatsBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsCount ()
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista <XStat>
getStatsList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsOrBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista<? rozszerza XStatOrBuilder >
getStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
końcowa wartość logiczna
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Wiadomość inna)
mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
końcowy XEvent.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)
usuńStatystyki (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
setDurationPs (długa wartość)
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
setMetadataId (długa wartość)
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
setNumOccurrences (długa wartość)
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
setOffsetPs (długa wartość)
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
setStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
setStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
końcowy XEvent.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public XEvent.Builder addAllStats (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości XStat >)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder addStats (wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XStat.Builder addStatsBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStat.Builder addStatsBuilder ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczna kompilacja XEvent ()

publiczna kompilacja XEventPartial ()

publiczne XEvent.Builder wyczyść ()

public XEvent.Builder clearData ()

public XEvent.Builder clearDurationPs ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

public XEvent.Builder clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

public XEvent.Builder clearMetadataId ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

public XEvent.Builder clearNumOccurrences ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

public XEvent.Builder clearOffsetPs ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

public XEvent.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public XEvent.Builder clearStats ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny klon XEvent.Builder ()

public XEvent.DataCase getDataCase ()

public XEvent getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

publiczny długi getDurationPs ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

publiczny długi getMetadataId ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

publiczny długi getNumOccurrences ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

publiczny długi getOffsetPs ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

publiczny XStat getStats (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStat.Builder getStatsBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna< XStat.Builder > getStatsBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny int getStatsCount ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna <XStat> getStatsList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStatOrBuilder getStatsOrBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna<? rozszerza XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

public XEvent.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)

public XEvent.Builder mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

publiczny końcowy XEvent.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public XEvent.Builder usuńStats (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder setDurationPs (długa wartość)

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

public XEvent.Builder setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder setMetadataId (długa wartość)

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

public XEvent.Builder setNumOccurrences (długa wartość)

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

public XEvent.Builder setOffsetPs (długa wartość)

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

public XEvent.Builder setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder setStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder setStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny finał XEvent.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa XEvent.Builder

 An XEvent is a trace event, optionally annotated with XStats.
 Next ID: 6
Protobuf typu tensorflow.profiler.XEvent

Metody publiczne

addAllStats (Iterable<? rozszerza XStat > wartości)
 XStats associated with the event.
addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
addStats (wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStatsBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStatsBuilder ()
 XStats associated with the event.
jasne ()
wyczyśćDurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
clearMetadataId ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
wyczyśćNumWystąpień ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
wyczyśćPrzesunięciePs ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
jasneStatystyki ()
 XStats associated with the event.
klon ()
końcowy statyczny com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getDurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
getMetadataId ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
getNumOccurrences ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
getOffsetPs ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
getStats (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista< XStat.Builder >
getStatsBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsCount ()
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista <XStat>
getStatsList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsOrBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
Lista<? rozszerza XStatOrBuilder >
getStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
końcowa wartość logiczna
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Wiadomość inna)
mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
końcowy XEvent.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)
usuńStatystyki (indeks int)
 XStats associated with the event.
setDurationPs (długa wartość)
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
setMetadataId (długa wartość)
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
setNumOccurrences (długa wartość)
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
setOffsetPs (długa wartość)
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
setStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
setStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
końcowy XEvent.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public XEvent.Builder addAllStats (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości XStat >)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder addStats (wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder addStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XStat.Builder addStatsBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStat.Builder addStatsBuilder ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczna kompilacja XEvent ()

publiczna kompilacja XEventPartial ()

publiczne XEvent.Builder wyczyść ()

public XEvent.Builder clearData ()

public XEvent.Builder clearDurationPs ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

public XEvent.Builder clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

public XEvent.Builder clearMetadataId ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

public XEvent.Builder clearNumOccurrences ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

public XEvent.Builder clearOffsetPs ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

public XEvent.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public XEvent.Builder clearStats ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny klon XEvent.Builder ()

public XEvent.DataCase getDataCase ()

public XEvent getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

publiczny długi getDurationPs ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

publiczny długi getMetadataId ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

publiczny długi getNumOccurrences ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

publiczny długi getOffsetPs ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

publiczny XStat getStats (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStat.Builder getStatsBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna< XStat.Builder > getStatsBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny int getStatsCount ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna <XStat> getStatsList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny XStatOrBuilder getStatsOrBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

lista publiczna<? rozszerza XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

public XEvent.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)

public XEvent.Builder mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

publiczny końcowy XEvent.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public XEvent.Builder usuńStats (indeks int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder setDurationPs (długa wartość)

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

public XEvent.Builder setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder setMetadataId (długa wartość)

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

public XEvent.Builder setNumOccurrences (długa wartość)

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

public XEvent.Builder setOffsetPs (długa wartość)

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

public XEvent.Builder setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

public XEvent.Builder setStats (indeks int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

public XEvent.Builder setStats (indeks int, wartość XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

publiczny finał XEvent.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)