
genel arayüz TensorMetadataOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut TensorShapeProto
getTensorShape ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
soyut TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder
getTensorShapeOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
soyut uzun
getTensorSizeBytes ()
 Number of uncompressed bytes used to store the tensor representation.
soyut boole
hasTensorShape ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet TensorShapeProto getTensorShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

genel özet TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getTensorShapeOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

genel özet uzun getTensorSizeBytes ()

 Number of uncompressed bytes used to store the tensor representation.
int64 tensor_size_bytes = 3;

genel soyut boolean hasTensorShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

genel arayüz TensorMetadataOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut TensorShapeProto
getTensorShape ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
soyut TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder
getTensorShapeOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
soyut uzun
getTensorSizeBytes ()
 Number of uncompressed bytes used to store the tensor representation.
soyut boole
hasTensorShape ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet TensorShapeProto getTensorShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

genel özet TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getTensorShapeOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;

genel özet uzun getTensorSizeBytes ()

 Number of uncompressed bytes used to store the tensor representation.
int64 tensor_size_bytes = 3;

genel soyut boolean hasTensorShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;