
الواجهة الثابتة العامة ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder
الفئات الفرعية غير المباشرة المعروفة

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الوصف ()
 Note: this will replace any inherited arg doc.
مجردة com.google.protobuf.ByteString
الحصول على الوصف بايت ()
 Note: this will replace any inherited arg doc.
سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الاسم ()
string name = 1;
مجردة com.google.protobuf.ByteString
سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على إعادة تسمية ()
 Change the name used to access this arg in the API from what
 is used in the GraphDef.
مجردة com.google.protobuf.ByteString
الحصول على RenameToBytes ()
 Change the name used to access this arg in the API from what
 is used in the GraphDef.

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة getDescription () مجردة عامة

وصف سلسلة

 Note: this will replace any inherited arg doc. There is no
 current way of modifying arg descriptions (other than replacing
 them entirely) as can be done with op descriptions.
string description = 3;

الملخص العام com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDescriptionBytes ()

وصف سلسلة

 Note: this will replace any inherited arg doc. There is no
 current way of modifying arg descriptions (other than replacing
 them entirely) as can be done with op descriptions.
string description = 3;

سلسلة getName () مجردة عامة

string name = 1;

الملخص العام com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

string name = 1;

سلسلة مجردة عامة getRenameTo ()

 Change the name used to access this arg in the API from what
 is used in the GraphDef.  Note that these names in `backticks`
 will also be replaced in the summary & description fields.
string rename_to = 2;

الملخص العام com.google.protobuf.ByteString getRenameToBytes ()

 Change the name used to access this arg in the API from what
 is used in the GraphDef.  Note that these names in `backticks`
 will also be replaced in the summary & description fields.
string rename_to = 2;