
genel arayüz MemoryLogRawAllocationOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut uzun
getAllocationId ()
 Id of the tensor buffer being allocated, used to match to a
 corresponding deallocation.
soyut Dize
getAllocatorName ()
 Name of the allocator used.
getAllocatorNameBytes ()
 Name of the allocator used.
soyut uzun
getNumBytes ()
 Number of bytes in the allocation.
soyut Dize
getOperation ()
 Name of the operation making the allocation.
getOperationBytes ()
 Name of the operation making the allocation.
soyut uzun
getPtr ()
 Address of the allocation.
soyut uzun
getStepId ()
 Process-unique step id.

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet uzun getAllocationId ()

 Id of the tensor buffer being allocated, used to match to a
 corresponding deallocation.
int64 allocation_id = 5;

genel özet Dize getAllocatorName ()

 Name of the allocator used.
string allocator_name = 6;

genel özet getAllocatorNameBytes ()

 Name of the allocator used.
string allocator_name = 6;

genel özet uzun getNumBytes ()

 Number of bytes in the allocation.
int64 num_bytes = 3;

genel özet String getOperation ()

 Name of the operation making the allocation.
string operation = 2;

genel özet getOperationBytes ()

 Name of the operation making the allocation.
string operation = 2;

genel özet uzun getPtr ()

 Address of the allocation.
uint64 ptr = 4;

genel özet uzun getStepId ()

 Process-unique step id.
int64 step_id = 1;