
الواجهة العامة ResourceHandleProtoOrBuilder
الفئات الفرعية غير المباشرة المعروفة

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الحاوية ()
 Container in which this resource is placed.
الحصول على حاوية بايت ()
 Container in which this resource is placed.
سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الجهاز ()
 Unique name for the device containing the resource.
الحصول على جهاز بايت ()
 Unique name for the device containing the resource.
مجردة ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape
getDtypesAndShapes (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
كثافة العمليات مجردة
الحصول علىDtypesAndShapesCount ()
 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
قائمة مجردة< ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape >
الحصول علىDtypesAndShapesList ()
 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
مجردة ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShapeOrBuilder
getDtypesAndShapesOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
قائمة مجردة <؟ يمتد ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShapeOrBuilder >
الحصول علىDtypesAndShapesOrBuilderList ()
 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
مجردة طويلة
الحصول على كود هاش ()
 Hash code for the type of the resource.
سلسلة مجردة
getMaybeTypeName ()
 For debug-only, the name of the type pointed to by this handle, if
getMaybeTypeNameBytes ()
 For debug-only, the name of the type pointed to by this handle, if
سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الاسم ()
 Unique name of this resource.
الحصول على اسم بايت ()
 Unique name of this resource.

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة getContainer () مجردة عامة

string container = 2;

 Container in which this resource is placed.
= 2;

الملخص العام getContainerBytes ()

string container = 2;

 Container in which this resource is placed.
= 2;

سلسلة getDevice () مجردة عامة

جهاز السلسلة

 Unique name for the device containing the resource.
string device = 1;

الملخص العام getDeviceBytes ()

جهاز سلسلة

 Unique name for the device containing the resource.
string device = 1;

الملخص العام ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape getDtypesAndShapes (مؤشر int)

 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

الملخص العام int getDtypesAndShapesCount ()

 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

قائمة مجردة عامة < ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape > getDtypesAndShapesList ()

 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

الملخص العام ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShapeOrBuilder getDtypesAndShapesOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)

 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

قائمة الملخصات العامة<؟ يمتد ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShapeOrBuilder > getDtypesAndShapesOrBuilderList ()

 Data types and shapes for the underlying resource.
repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

ملخص عام طويل getHashCode ()

 Hash code for the type of the resource. Is only valid in the same device
 and in the same execution.
uint64 hash_code = 4;

سلسلة مجردة عامة getMaybeTypeName ()

 For debug-only, the name of the type pointed to by this handle, if
string maybe_type_name = 5;

الملخص العام getMaybeTypeNameBytes ()

 For debug-only, the name of the type pointed to by this handle, if
string maybe_type_name = 5;

سلسلة getName () مجردة عامة

 Unique name of this resource.
string name = 3;

الملخص العام getNameBytes ()

 Unique name of this resource.
string name = 3;