
genel arayüz SummaryOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

özet Özet.Değer
getValue (int dizini)
 Set of values for the summary.
soyut int
getValueCount ()
 Set of values for the summary.
özet Liste< Özet.Değer >
getValueList ()
 Set of values for the summary.
özet Özet.ValueOrBuilder
getValueOrBuilder (int dizini)
 Set of values for the summary.
Özet Liste<? Summary.ValueOrBuilder'ı genişletir >
getValueOrBuilderList ()
 Set of values for the summary.

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet Summary.Value getValue (int index)

 Set of values for the summary.
repeated .tensorflow.Summary.Value value = 1;

genel özet int getValueCount ()

 Set of values for the summary.
repeated .tensorflow.Summary.Value value = 1;

genel özet Listesi< Summary.Value > getValueList ()

 Set of values for the summary.
repeated .tensorflow.Summary.Value value = 1;

genel özet Summary.ValueOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder (int index)

 Set of values for the summary.
repeated .tensorflow.Summary.Value value = 1;

genel özet listesi<? Summary.ValueOrBuilder > getValueOrBuilderList ()' i genişletir

 Set of values for the summary.
repeated .tensorflow.Summary.Value value = 1;