
الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder

 For sparse tensors, The COO encoding stores a triple of values, indices,
 and shape.
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.TensorInfo.CooSparse

الأساليب العامة

addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
ClearDenseShapeTensorName ()
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
ClearField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
ClearIndicesTensorName ()
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
ClearValuesTensorName ()
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].
الحصول علىDenseShapeTensorName ()
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
الحصول علىDenseShapeTensorNameBytes ()
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
الحصول علىIndicesTensorName ()
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
الحصول علىIndicesTensorNameBytes ()
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
getValuesTensorName ()
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].
getValuesTensorNameBytes ()
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].
منطقية نهائية
دمج من (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
دمج من (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى)
Final TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder
دمجUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields)
setDenseShapeTensorName (قيمة السلسلة)
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
setDenseShapeTensorNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
setIndicesTensorName (قيمة السلسلة)
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
setIndicesTensorNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن)
Final TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields)
setValuesTensorName (قيمة السلسلة)
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].
setValuesTensorNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].

الطرق الموروثة

الأساليب العامة

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder addRepeatedField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)

بناء TensorInfo.CooSparse العام ()

TensorInfo.CooSparse public buildPartial ()

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العام واضح ()

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العام ClearDenseShapeTensorName ()

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder ClearField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العام ClearIndicesTensorName ()

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder ClearOneof العام (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العام ClearValuesTensorName ()

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;

استنساخ TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العام ()

TensorInfo.CooSparse getDefaultInstanceForType () العام

سلسلة عامة getDenseShapeTensorName ()

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getDenseShapeTensorNameBytes ()

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType () العام

سلسلة عامة getIndicesTensorName ()

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getIndicesTensorNameBytes ()

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

سلسلة عامة getValuesTensorName ()

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;

com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getValuesTensorNameBytes ()

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;

تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder mergeFrom العام (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)


TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder mergeFrom العام (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى)

النهائي العام TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)

مجموعة TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العامة DenseShapeTensorName (قيمة السلسلة)

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

مجموعة TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder العامة DenseShapeTensorNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setIndicesTensorName العام (قيمة السلسلة)

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setIndicesTensorNameBytes العامة (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setRepeatedField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن)

النهائي العام TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setValuesTensorName العام (قيمة السلسلة)

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;

TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder setValuesTensorNameBytes العامة (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;