
interfaccia pubblica XEventMetadataOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

stringa astratta
getNomeVisualizzato ()
 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
astratto com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getDisplayNameBytes ()
 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
astratto lungo
getId ()
 XPlane.event_metadata map key.
astratto com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getMetadati ()
 Additional metadata in serialized format.
stringa astratta
getNome ()
 Name of the event.
astratto com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getNomeBytes ()
 Name of the event.
XStat astratto
getStats (indice int)
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
astratto int
getStatsCount ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
Lista astratta< XStat >
getStatsList ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
XSstatOrBuilder astratto
getStatsOrBuilder (indice int)
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
Elenco astratto<? estende XSstatOrBuilder >
getStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.

Metodi pubblici

public abstract String getDisplayName ()

 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
string display_name = 4;

estratto pubblico com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDisplayNameBytes ()

 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
string display_name = 4;

public abstract long getId ()

 XPlane.event_metadata map key.
int64 id = 1;

estratto pubblico com.google.protobuf.ByteString getMetadata ()


 Additional metadata in serialized format.
bytes metadata = 3;

stringa astratta pubblica getName ()

 Name of the event.
string name = 2;

estratto pubblico com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

 Name of the event.
string name = 2;

public abstract XStat getStats (indice int)

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

public abstract int getStatsCount ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

Lista astratta pubblica< XStat > getStatsList ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

public abstract XStatOrBuilder getStatsOrBuilder (indice int)

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

Elenco abstract pubblico<? estende XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;