
genel statik son sınıf JobDef.Builder

 Defines a single job in a TensorFlow cluster.
Protobuf türü tensorflow.JobDef

Genel Yöntemler

addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
İş Tanımı
İş Tanımı
clearField ( alanı)
clearName ()
 The name of this job.
clearOneof ( oneof)
klon ()
içerirGörevler (int anahtarı)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
İş Tanımı
final statik
Harita<Tamsayı, Dize>
getMutableTasks ()
Bunun yerine alternatif mutasyon erişimcilerini kullanın.
getName ()
 The name of this job.
getNameBytes ()
 The name of this job.
Harita<Tamsayı, Dize>
getTasks ()
Bunun yerine getTasksMap() işlevini kullanın.
getTasksCount ()
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
Harita<Tamsayı, Dize>
getTasksMap ()
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
getTasksOrDefault (int anahtarı, String defaultValue)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
getTasksOrThrow (int anahtarı)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
son boole değeri
mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)
mergeFrom ( other)
son JobDef.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)
putAllTasks (Map<Integer, String> değerleri)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
putTasks (int anahtarı, Dize değeri)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
RemoveTasks (int anahtarı)
 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
setName (Dize değeri)
 The name of this job.
setNameBytes ( değeri)
 The name of this job.
setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)
son JobDef.Builder
setUnknownFields ( bilinmeyenFields)

Kalıtsal Yöntemler

Genel Yöntemler

public JobDef.Builder addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

genel JobDef yapısı ()

genel JobDef buildPartial ()

genel JobDef.Builder temizle ()

herkese açık JobDef.Builder clearField ( alanı)

public JobDef.Builder clearName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

herkese açık JobDef.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

genel JobDef.Builder clearTasks ()

genel JobDef.Builder klonu ()

genel boolean içerirGörevler (int anahtarı)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public JobDef getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

genel Harita<Tamsayı, Dizge> getMutableTasks ()

Bunun yerine alternatif mutasyon erişimcilerini kullanın.

genel Dize getName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

public getNameBytes ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

genel Harita<Tamsayı, Dize> getTasks ()

Bunun yerine getTasksMap() işlevini kullanın.

public int getTasksCount ()

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

genel Harita<Tamsayı, Dize> getTasksMap ()

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public String getTasksOrDefault (int anahtarı, String defaultValue)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public String getTasksOrThrow (int anahtarı)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

genel final boolean isInitialized ()

genel JobDef.Builder mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)

IO İstisnası

herkese açık JobDef.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

genel final JobDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)

public JobDef.Builder putAllTasks (Map<Integer, String> değerleri)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public JobDef.Builder putTasks (int anahtarı, String değeri)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public JobDef.Builder RemoveTasks (int anahtarı)

 Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string.
 If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a
 mapping from 7 to "", then the device prefix
 "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;

public JobDef.Builder setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

public JobDef.Builder setName (Dize değeri)

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

public JobDef.Builder setNameBytes ( değeri)

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

public JobDef.Builder setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)

genel final JobDef.Builder setUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)