
공개 정적 최종 클래스 NamedTensorProto.Builder

 A pair of tensor name and tensor values.
Protobuf 유형 tensorflow.NamedTensorProto

공개 방법

addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)
짓다 ()
ClearField ( 필드)
클리어이름 ()
 Name of the tensor.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
클리어텐서 ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
클론 ()
최종 정적
getName ()
 Name of the tensor.
getNameBytes ()
 Name of the tensor.
getTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorOrBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
hasTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
최종 부울
mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)
mergeFrom (다른 메시지 보내기)
mergeTensor ( TensorProto 값)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
최종 NamedTensorProto.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( 알려지지 않은Fields)
setField ( 필드, 개체 값)
setName (문자열 값)
 Name of the tensor.
setNameBytes ( 값)
 Name of the tensor.
setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)
setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
setTensor ( TensorProto 값)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
최종 NamedTensorProto.Builder
setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

상속된 메서드

공개 방법

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 NamedTensorProto 빌드 ()

공개 NamedTensorProto buildPartial ()

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder 지우기 ()

공개 NamedTensorProto.BuilderclearField ( 필드)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder 클리어이름 ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

공개 NamedTensorProto.BuilderclearOneof ( oneof)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder 클리어텐서 ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder 클론 ()

공개 NamedTensorProto getDefaultInstanceForType ()

공개 정적 최종 getDescriptor ()

공개 getDescriptorForType ()

공개 문자열 getName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

공개 getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

공개 TensorProto getTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 TensorProto.Builder getTensorBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 부울 hasTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)


공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom (다른 메시지)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeTensor ( TensorProto 값)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 최종 NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setName (문자열 값)

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setNameBytes ( 값)

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto 값)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

공개 최종 NamedTensorProto.Builder setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)