
الواجهة العامة NamedTensorProtoOrBuilder
الفئات الفرعية غير المباشرة المعروفة

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الاسم ()
 Name of the tensor.
الحصول على اسم بايت ()
 Name of the tensor.
مجردة TensorProto
الحصول على Tensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
مجردة TensorProtoOrBuilder
الحصول على TensorOrBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
منطقية مجردة
hasTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.

الأساليب العامة

سلسلة getName () مجردة عامة

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

الملخص العام getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

الملخص العام TensorProto getTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

الملخص العام TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

الملخص المنطقي العام hasTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;