
공개 정적 최종 클래스 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder

Protobuf 유형 tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction

공개 방법

addAllArgumentKeywords (Iterable<String> 값)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
addArgumentKeywords (문자열 값)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
addArgumentKeywordsBytes ( 값)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)
짓다 ()
ClearAllowedPositionalArguments ()
 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
명확한ArgumentKeywords ()
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
클리어콘크리트함수이름 ()
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
ClearField ( 필드)
클리어함수 사양 ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
클론 ()
getAllowedPositionalArguments ()
 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
getArgumentKeywords (정수 인덱스)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
getArgumentKeywordsBytes (정수 인덱스)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
getArgumentKeywordsCount ()
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
getArgumentKeywordsList ()
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
getConcreteFunctionName ()
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
getConcreteFunctionNameBytes ()
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
최종 정적
getFunctionSpec ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
getFunctionSpecBuilder ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
getFunctionSpecOrBuilder ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
hasFunctionSpec ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
최종 부울
mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)
mergeFrom (다른 메시지 보내기)
mergeFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec 값)
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
최종 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( 알려지지 않은Fields)
setAllowedPositionalArguments (긴 값)
 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
setArgumentKeywords (int 인덱스, 문자열 값)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
setConcreteFunctionName (문자열 값)
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
setConcreteFunctionNameBytes ( 값)
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
setField ( 필드, 개체 값)
setFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec.Builder builderForValue)
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
setFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec 값)
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)
최종 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder
setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

상속된 메서드

공개 방법

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder addAllArgumentKeywords (Iterable<String> 값)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder addArgumentKeywords (문자열 값)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder addArgumentKeywordsBytes ( 값)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction 빌드 ()

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction buildPartial ()

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder 클리어 ()

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder ClearAllowedPositionalArguments ()

 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
int64 allowed_positional_arguments = 3;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder ClearArgumentKeywords ()

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder ClearConcreteFunctionName ()

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.BuilderclearField ( 필드)

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder ClearFunctionSpec ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.BuilderclearOneof ( )

공개 긴 getAllowedPositionalArguments ()

 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
int64 allowed_positional_arguments = 3;

공개 문자열 getArgumentKeywords (int 인덱스)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 getArgumentKeywordsBytes (int 인덱스)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 int getArgumentKeywordsCount ()

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 getArgumentKeywordsList ()

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

공개 문자열 getConcreteFunctionName ()

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

공개 getConcreteFunctionNameBytes ()

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction getDefaultInstanceForType ()

공개 정적 최종 getDescriptor ()

공개 getDescriptorForType ()

공개 FunctionSpec getFunctionSpec ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 FunctionSpec.Builder getFunctionSpecBuilder ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 FunctionSpecOrBuilder getFunctionSpecOrBuilder ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 부울 hasFunctionSpec ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)


공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder mergeFrom (기타 메시지)

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder mergeFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec 값)

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 최종 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setAllowedPositionalArguments (긴 값)

 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
int64 allowed_positional_arguments = 3;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setArgumentKeywords (int 인덱스, 문자열 값)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setConcreteFunctionName (문자열 값)

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setConcreteFunctionNameBytes ( 값)

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec.Builder builderForValue)

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

공개 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setFunctionSpec ( FunctionSpec 값)

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)

공개 최종 SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder setUnknownFields (