
общедоступный интерфейс SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder
Известные косвенные подклассы

Публичные методы

абстрактное логическое значение
содержитConcreteFunctions (строковый ключ)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
абстрактная карта<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctions ()
Вместо этого используйте getConcreteFunctionsMap() .
абстрактный int
getConcreteFunctionsCount ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
абстрактная карта<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctionsMap ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
абстрактная сохраненнаяконкретная функция
getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (строковый ключ, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
абстрактная сохраненнаяконкретная функция
getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (строковый ключ)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
абстрактный сохраненный объект
getNodes (целочисленный индекс)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
абстрактный int
getNodesCount ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
абстрактный список < СохраненныйОбъект >
получитьСписокНодов ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
абстрактный СаведОбжектОрБилдер
getNodesOrBuilder (индекс целого числа)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
абстрактный список<? расширяет SavedObjectOrBuilder >
getNodesOrBuilderList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.

Публичные методы

общедоступное абстрактное логическое значение containsConcreteFunctions (строковый ключ)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

публичная абстрактная Map<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctions ()

Вместо этого используйте getConcreteFunctionsMap() .

публичный абстрактный int getConcreteFunctionsCount ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

общедоступная абстрактная карта <String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctionsMap ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

публичная абстрактная SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (строковый ключ, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

общедоступная абстрактная SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (строковый ключ)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

общедоступный абстрактный SavedObject getNodes (индекс int)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

публичный абстрактный int getNodesCount ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

общедоступный абстрактный список < SavedObject > getNodesList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

публичный абстрактный SavedObjectOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder (индекс int)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

публичный абстрактный список<? расширяет SavedObjectOrBuilder > getNodesOrBuilderList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;