
genel arayüz SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut boole
içerirBetonFunctions (Dize tuşu)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
soyut Harita<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctions ()
Bunun yerine getConcreteFunctionsMap() işlevini kullanın.
soyut int
getConcreteFunctionsCount ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
soyut Harita<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctionsMap ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
özet SavedConcreteFunction
getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (Dize anahtarı, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
özet SavedConcreteFunction
getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (Dize tuşu)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
soyut SavedObject
getNodes (int dizini)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
soyut int
getNodesCount ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
özet Listesi< SavedObject >
getNodesList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
özet SavedObjectOrBuilder
getNodesOrBuilder (int dizini)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Özet Liste<? SavedObjectOrBuilder'ı genişletir >
getNodesOrBuilderList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.

Genel Yöntemler

genel soyut boole içerirConcreteFunctions (Dize anahtarı)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

genel özet Harita<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctions ()

Bunun yerine getConcreteFunctionsMap() işlevini kullanın.

genel özet int getConcreteFunctionsCount ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

genel özet Harita<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctionsMap ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

genel özet SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (Dize anahtarı, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

genel özet SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (Dize anahtarı)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

genel özet SavedObject getNodes (int dizini)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

genel özet int getNodesCount ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

genel özet Listesi< SavedObject > getNodesList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

genel özet SavedObjectOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder (int dizini)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

genel özet listesi<? SavedObjectOrBuilder'ı genişletir > getNodesOrBuilderList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;