
الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة XEvent.Builder

 An XEvent is a trace event, optionally annotated with XStats.
 Next ID: 6
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.profiler.XEvent

الأساليب العامة

addAllStats (Iterable<? يمتد قيم XStat >)
 XStats associated with the event.
addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
addStats (قيمة XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (مؤشر int، قيمة XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
addStats (مؤشر int، XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
addStatsBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 XStats associated with the event.
AddStatsBuilder ()
 XStats associated with the event.
ClearDurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
ClearField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
معرف بيانات التعريف ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
ClearNumOccurrences ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
كلير أوفستبس ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
إحصائيات واضحة ()
 XStats associated with the event.
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
الحصول على DurationPs ()
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
معرف بيانات التعريف ()
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
getNumOccurrences ()
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
getOffsetPs ()
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
الحصول على الإحصائيات (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 XStats associated with the event.
القائمة< XStat.Builder >
قائمة الحصول على الإحصائيات ()
 XStats associated with the event.
كثافة العمليات
الحصول على الإحصائيات ()
 XStats associated with the event.
القائمة< XStat >
قائمة الإحصائيات ()
 XStats associated with the event.
getStatsOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 XStats associated with the event.
القائمة<؟ يمتد XStatOrBuilder >
getStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with the event.
منطقية نهائية
دمج من (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى)
دمج من (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
XEvent.Builder النهائي
دمجUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields)
إزالة الإحصائيات (مؤشر int)
 XStats associated with the event.
setDurationPs (قيمة طويلة)
 Duration of the event in picoseconds.
setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
setMetadataId (قيمة طويلة)
 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
setNumOccurrences (قيمة طويلة)
 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
setOffsetPs (قيمة طويلة)
 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن)
setStats (مؤشر int، XStat.Builder builderForValue)
 XStats associated with the event.
setStats (مؤشر int، قيمة XStat )
 XStats associated with the event.
XEvent.Builder النهائي
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields)

الطرق الموروثة

الأساليب العامة

XEvent.Builder العام addAllStats (Iterable<؟ يمتد XStat > القيم)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XEvent.Builder العام addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)

addStats XEvent.Builder العام (قيمة XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XEvent.Builder addStats العام ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

addStats XEvent.Builder العام (مؤشر int، قيمة XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

addStats XEvent.Builder العام (مؤشر int، XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XStat.Builder العام addStatsBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XStat.Builder العام addStatsBuilder ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

بناء XEvent العام ()

بناء XEvent العام Partial ()

XEvent.Builder العام واضح ()

XEvent.Builder العام ClearData ()

XEvent.Builder العام ClearDurationPs ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

XEvent.Builder ClearField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

XEvent.Builder العام ClearMetadataId ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

XEvent.Builder العام ClearNumOccurrences ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

XEvent.Builder العام ClearOffsetPs ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

XEvent.Builder العام ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

XEvent.Builder العام ClearStats ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

استنساخ XEvent.Builder العام ()

XEvent.DataCase العام getDataCase ()

XEvent العام getDefaultInstanceForType ()

النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType () العام

getDurationPs العامة الطويلة ()

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

getMetadataId العام الطويل ()

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

getNumOccurrences العامة الطويلة ()

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

getOffsetPs العامة الطويلة ()

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

XStat العام getStats (مؤشر int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XStat.Builder العام getStatsBuilder (مؤشر كثافة العمليات)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

القائمة العامة< XStat.Builder > getStatsBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

int public getStatsCount ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

القائمة العامة< XStat > getStatsList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XStatOrBuilder العام getStatsOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

القائمة العامة <؟ يمتد XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()

XEvent.Builder العام mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى)

XEvent.Builder العام mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)


XEvent.Builder النهائي العام mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)

إزالة XEvent.Builder العامة (مؤشر int)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XEvent.Builder العام setDurationPs (قيمة طويلة)

 Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;

XEvent.Builder setField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)

XEvent.Builder العام setMetadataId (قيمة طويلة)

 XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;

XEvent.Builder العام setNumOccurrences (قيمة طويلة)

 Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;

XEvent.Builder العام setOffsetPs (قيمة طويلة)

 Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from
int64 offset_ps = 2;

XEvent.Builder العام setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، مؤشر int، قيمة الكائن)

مجموعة XEvent.Builder العامة (مؤشر int، XStat.Builder builderForValue)

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

مجموعة XEvent.Builder العامة (مؤشر int، قيمة XStat )

 XStats associated with the event.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;

XEvent.Builder النهائي العام setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)